Why You Got Placed So Low - Valorant

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In this video I talk about the valorant rank system and why your rank is so low compared to last act after you placement matches. Feel free to check out my channel for more ranked tips and tricks and valorant tips and tricks!
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I was Immortal 3 last act got placed Asce 1 got back into immortal but now I’m stuck in ascendant 2/3 can’t get away from toxic throwing teammates my win rate this act has never been so low 😂


Thank you so much i was panicking and i was thinking that i was just way worse at the game now. You were very helpful :)


Mr lowlander all your videos have helped me and teammates sooo much, I love the raze to asc series since I'm a raze main


Thank you man this was very comforting


i went from sliver 2 to iron 3… and now i’m never getting out cuz my teammates r literal npcs, no comms even tho i give them 24/7, i just feel like quitting


A few days back I got into a match with a S1 player (I was b3 at the moment) who peaked d1 in the last act. And former plats aren't a rare thing in low silver Lobbys nowadays. This rank reset was crazy


Okay so in valorant there are two ranks. as mentioned in this video, there is a visible elo and an invisible elo. The visible elo you probably all know is ' rank' and RR (Rank Rating). The second elo is an invisible elo also commonly called as MMR (Matchmaking Rating System), and this is to rate what rank you are and what rank you deserve.

Now for example: your current rank is silver but when you are playing better and better your MMR will go up and the game thinks that you deserve a higher rank, and so you get matched to a higher rank than your current rank, like gold or plat etc. And if you win against those high elo lobbies, you gain more RR and when you lose to those high elo players you lose less.

And it works the other way around. If you're not playing that well even though your visible rank is a high rank, immortal for example. Your MMR will also go down and the game thinks that you deserve a lower rank than your current visible rank. And you will get matched with player that are lower rank than you, and if you lose against those who are lower than you, you lose more RR and if you win against those who are lower than you, and if you win, the amount of RR that you gain is less than if you're winning against that are higher than your current rank.


THIS IS THE EARLIEST I HAVE EVER BEEN MR FISH! you are extra joyful today!


Was p3 last act, and got placed G1. I already knew about this system, but this is the hardest reset I ever got. But since I was playing kinda bad in my placement games, I didn't really think too much about it. However I skipped g2 just after one win in g1 and I think that isn't motivating, it's just unnecessary. Like, just place me in g3 in the first place then XD.


The f up part of all of it is you get matched up with the same invisible rr. Even though your ranks are low. So you never go up as fast as you should. Also I've seen every game a thrower or a guy who didn't deserve the previous rank here in my game throwing. This never happened in previous acts.


Lmao the thumbnail is literally me... I was d1 last act but I placed g2 😂


I was G2 last act, this act i got placed in B3 but im now G1 and i usually get +20rr and lose 10-15. And i love your videos keep up the good work


Yeah the new ranking is crazy. I was Gold 3 last act and in my last placing round there were past diamond 3s who are now gold 1 (i got out silver 3 which is honestly higher than expected)

Also my "Invis elo" must be really high there was one round recently I bot fragged and got +38 rr which is ridiculous


yo mrlowander i love ur content, its soo useful



Have always been hardstuck bronze, but in my first 7 games, including placements, made it to silver 2 :D


Really like your content, keep up the great work.


I find so many plats and golds from last act like me in b3 and s1 and I felt soo glad to know it wasn't just me!


How come I play better with better ranks? I play better with plat players from last act than the golds and silvers I am playing with now. I’m a sentinel/controller main, and whenever I play astra, people are always saying I’m the best astra they’ve ever seen. Any ideas?


Thats not the only reason, its because the immos and radiants are put back to ascendant so we are all put back so you dont have peak ascendant 3s playing against the sentinels


Can you affect you MMR (invisible rank) by playing other gamemodes? like unrated or does it have to be comp?
