Jewish Jesus: Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Extended Interview

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, author of "Kosher Jesus," says "Jesus was not coming to innovate and start a new religion. He was coming to reinforce the Torah."

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And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.


As a catholic man I would like to explain a few things to Rabbi Shmuley:
1-We catholics are taught that Jesus was jewish.
2-We understand, believe and accept that the jewish people were the "chosen people of God".
3-We DO NOT consider the Old Testament as "DISCARTED" (Other wise it would not be part of our Bible) In fact, we understand the importance of tracing the New Testament's content back to the Old Testament.
4-Jesus as well as the apostles would constantly reference the early books.
5-Romans are mentioned in the New Testament. The first apostles were incarcerated and even killed by the romans.
6-Jesus was a jew, the apostles were jews, the Virgin Mary was a jewish woman and all the first followers of Jesus were also jews. The word "christian" may have been totally unnecessary, IF the majority of jews and jewish leaders had recognised Jesus as the Messiah.
7-The human side of Jesus can be perceived in the fact that He experienced temptations, fatigue, sadness, hunger, righteous anger. He was bound to the laws of nature, He felt pain just like the rest of us and He even died. Only remember that when we say He was 100% human, we mean He was a PERFECT human, just like Adam and Eve were before they sinned.


Notice the rabbi said and Jesus said; It is written but I say.
Jesus was showing he was authority above the Torah.
Torah meansd Above the trees.
Rabbi Boteach was really upset at Mel Gibson's movie The Passion.
This tells you a whole lot about rabbis and their non belief.
Tell me rabbi will you be knocking on Mel Gibson's door when Gibson finishes his sequel called The Resurrection.
It will be the greatest religious film ever made.
Without the assistance of Jewish money in Hollywood.


I think he admires Jesus and might even believe he is Moshiach but if he goes public with an admission to believing he will lose EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. I know this because I am a Jew who believes in Jesus as messiah


Not all Jews are like this person. In Jesus' time, many Rabbis and Jews rejected Jesus and the same thing repeats today. These days, more Jews are finding that Jesus was truly the Messiah.


Zacharia 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem. Look! Your KING is coming to you. He is righteous, bringing salvation, Humble and riding on a donkey, On a colt, the foal of a female donkey."


We see the human Jesus when he is praying on the mount of olives in Luke 22:42 and he says""Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." He showed that human emotion of not wanting to leave the world but at the same time accepting that let God's will be done. FYI the bible has not been altered like this Rabbi has said.


So I guess we're to assume that the torah justifies genocide? Jesus wanted to allow all the children to come to him and he blessed them, even to the dismay of his disciples. WHY did the disciples find it offensive? Were they Palestinian children? Jesus said unless we become like little children we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven."


Jacob, Jesus was fully human because he ate, slept and walked just as all humans do. God became a man, the word man there being human and lived among us. The entire Bible, Old Testament and New Testament are full of Jesus being both divine and human.❤😊🎉


That was brilliant Rabbi. Thank you, you have just explained the bird view of the truth of the matter. Christians forget that Jesus never intended to preach to the non-Jews. These are Jesus own words
"Go not to the way of gentiles"..
"I was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel"
"Do not think that I came to destroy *the Law* or the Prophets.
I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from *the law* till all is fulfilled."

Jesus preached in Synagogues not in Churches...
He indeed wasn't a Christian. He was a devout Jew.


Jesus a Jew said...He and the father are one...John 3:16, Romans 10:9, Acts 4:12, Isaiah 53....Jesus is Lord and the messiah. Shalom!


Brother there’s much in what you say that is confirming our Lord Jesus. Our precious king is your king too brother. He’s coming back, you need to accept him. And I believe you accepting him as Jewish is a wonderful step in the right direction. I have a lot of hope for you brother by your Acknowledging Jesus being Jewish. But he was more than that too. He is the son of man. The one the prophet Daniel talks about. The one who ALL the nations will worship and serve in his kingdom forever for the the Glory of our Great father God.


When the time is right many who would otherwise not have accepted the Messiahship of Yeshua will have their hearts softened & come to accept Him. This will be by divine & not human action.


Jews and gentiles are both saved by grace through faith in Jesus christ as messiah. If you don't belive Jesus to be messiah can you still be saved? In old testament Abram believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. I will not judge Jews too harshly, if God lives in your heart then you should feel it. He will show Jesus as messiah to you as long as you don't reject his teachings. Don't make excuses, don't make up arguments for no reason. The Lord is near those with a broken and contrite heart, his ears are attentive to their prayers. Don't be religious, God loves His people.


Just as the Lord hardened pharaohs heart the jews also have hardened hearts. One day the veil will be lifted.


Brother, there is no temple standing, no animal sacrifice, no practicing Levitical priesthood, the Torah is not in full effect. All sins are forgiven in Yeshua, under Torah not all were forgiven some were cause for stoning. Yeshua is the high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
Many Jews are accepting Yeshua as Lord and Messiah. Yeshua was Torah observant yes, but he claimed to be greater then the Temple and Lord of the Sabbath (Matt 12:5-8). Yeshua is Davids Lord at the right hand of HaShem (Matt 22:42-46). See Psalm 110.
Shalom, Yeshua Hu Adonia!


“Jesus was never Christian”. This man hears what he is saying? 😅


Rabbi Shmuley said in his last words "JESUS brought the knowledge of Torah tp billions of people worldwide" and this one proofs thar JESUS was the Messiah.


Very important to also add the ministry of Jesus as a priest. Jesus was a rabbi, but he was also priest after the order of Melchizedek. This is part of the reason why Jesus offered us bread and wine just how Melchizedek offered Abraham bread and wine. It was a priestly offering.


I agree with much of what the Rabbi said.  Many of Jesus' teachings where straight from the Hebrew Bible.  I have set out on a journey to discover what the Hebrew prophets say about the Messiah.  I have made three videos (on my channel) so far and have concluded that the prophecies of Zech, Dan, Isa, Jer,  etc.. all point to a Messiah that would be Divine and that He would appear before the destruction of the second temple. 
