How to use rtc module with arduino | DS3231 Arduino | OLED Clock Arduino

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How to make real time clock using Arduino | DS3231 Arduino | OLED Clock Arduino | How to use rtc module with arduino
In this video we will learn how to make real time clock using arduino.
Hardware components required to make real time clock using arduino :
1. Arduino Uno
2. RTC Module DS3231
3. 0.91" SSD1306 I2C OLED Display
4. Half Breadboard
5. Jumper Wires
Software & services required to make real time clock using arduino :
1. Arduino IDE
You can download the sketch (code) to make real time clock using arduino from following link :
If you liked our video on how to make real time clock using arduino, please gives a thump up on our video and subscribe our channel if not already done.
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#realtime #clock #arduino #oled #ssd1306 #rtc #ds3231 #techcurry
In this video we will learn how to make real time clock using arduino.
Hardware components required to make real time clock using arduino :
1. Arduino Uno
2. RTC Module DS3231
3. 0.91" SSD1306 I2C OLED Display
4. Half Breadboard
5. Jumper Wires
Software & services required to make real time clock using arduino :
1. Arduino IDE
You can download the sketch (code) to make real time clock using arduino from following link :
If you liked our video on how to make real time clock using arduino, please gives a thump up on our video and subscribe our channel if not already done.
Thanks for watching .... !!!
#realtime #clock #arduino #oled #ssd1306 #rtc #ds3231 #techcurry