Top 10 greatest 20th-century physicists

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Top 10 greatest 20th-century physicists

Welcome, fellow seekers of scientific marvels, to an extraordinary journey through the brilliant minds that reshaped our understanding of the universe in the 20th century. Get ready to be captivated as we dive into the lives and discoveries of the top 10 greatest physicists of the past century. From the enigmatic equations of relativity to the quantum mysteries that defy intuition, these luminaries propelled humanity into realms of knowledge previously unimaginable. Join us as we unravel tales of genius, passion, and groundbreaking insights that continue to shape our world today. Buckle up, because this isn't just a countdown; it's a voyage through the cosmos of intellectual exploration. Let's ignite our curiosity and embark on an odyssey through the minds of the titans who unlocked the secrets of the universe.

Physicist mentioned in the video: Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet, William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Johannes Diderik van der Waals, Ernst Mach, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Osborne Reynolds, John William Strutt (Rayleigh), Ludwig Boltzmann, Wilhelm Röntgen, Nikolay Zhukovsky, Woldemar Voigt, Oliver Heaviside, John Henry Poynting, Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro, Hendrik Lorentz, Henri Poincaré, Nikola Tesla, Aleksandr Lyapunov, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Neils Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Richard Feynman, Pierre Curie, Hermann Minkowski, Wilhelm Wien, Walther Nernst, Pierre Weiss, Pieter Zeeman, Marie Curie, Arnold Sommerfeld, Ernest Rutherford, Marian Smoluchowski, Paul Langevin,
Théophile de Donder, Karl Schwarzschild, Tullio Levi-Civita, Constantin Carathéodory, Sir Edmund, Taylor Whittaker, Ludwig Prandtl, Tatyana Afanasyeva, Lise Meitner, Max von Laue, Paul Ehrenfest,
Theodore von Kármán, Emmy Noether, Max Born, Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, Richard von Mises,
Hermann Weyl, Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, Walter H. Schottky, Hendrika Johanna van Leeuwen, Alexander Friedmann, Walther Kossel, CV Raman, Sir Ralph Howard Fowler, John von Neumann,
Erwin Schrodinger, Lev Landau, Léon Brillouin, Arthur Compton, Louis de Broglie, Hans Kramers,
Georges Lemaître, Satyendra Nath Bose, Oskar Klein, Douglas Hartree, Leo Szilard, Vladimir Fock,
Wolfgang Pauli, Pascual Jordan, Eugene Wigner, Ettore Majorana, J. Robert Oppenheimer, George Gamow, Louis Néel, Felix Bloch, Clarence Zener, Sir Nevill Francis Mott, Maria Goeppert Mayer, Shin'ichirō Tomonaga, Hans Bethe, Sir Rudolf Ernst Peierls, John Bardeen, Edward Teller, Stanisław Ulam, Nikolay Bogolyubov, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, John Archibald Wheeler, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Willis Lamb, Sir Fred Hoyle, David Bohm, Julian Schwinger, Yoichiro Nambu, Yang Chen-Ning, Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri, Freeman Dyson, Philip W. Anderson, Roy J. Glauber. Abdus Salam, Ben Roy Mottelson, Tsung-Dao Lee, John Stewart Bell, Murray Gell-Mann, Peter Higgs, Hugh Everett III, Roger Penrose, Sheldon Glashow, Elliott H. Lieb, Steven Weinberg, Jim Peebles, Kenneth G. Wilson, Paul Dirac, Enrico Fermi, Anthony James Leggett, Leonard Susskind, Kip Thorne, Stephen Hawking, Charles H. Bennett, Alexander Markovich Polyakov, Gerard 't Hooft, Michio Kaku, Sylvester James Gates, Edward Witten, David Deutsch, Seth Lloyd, Brian Greene and Sean Carroll.


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Great ppl. I would have born at that time, i think i would have contributed to some extent. My name also would have been there in History.
