Kim Da-mi bravely confesses her love for Park Seo-jun | Itaewon Class Ep 11 [ENG SUB]

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Always have a Plan B. And when in doubt, just blurt out your feelings and deal with the consequences later. Bravery is a good look on everyone.


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She said “ I love you “ 5 bloody times. My heart skipped a beats every time she said it.


I thought she will run away and leave him but after this painful rejection she came back and continued loving him. She stayed by his side without expecting him to return her feelings. She is not joking when she said she will never let him suffer alone ever. Now tell me how come this girl doesnt deserve Saeroyi's love when all she did is to make him happy, support him and help him. She is the strongest and badass Female lead character I knew. She has a lot of flaws but all I knew is when it comes to love she is sincere and selfless.


This girl is precious! Just 20 but she handled the rejection so well. Cried her heart out but as soon as she knew he needs her, she is by his side. She doesnt wait for him to call her, doesnt wait for any begging or requests from his side to soothe her ego which must naturally have been hurt but just stands like a rock by his side. What a beautiful woman!!! He is so lucky to have such a worthy girl love him.


I've watched this scene so many times but I just couldn't let it go. Kim Dami's eyes speak volumes. She said "I love you" five times and she will say it again and again in the next few episodes. She knows who she wants and she will fight for this person at whatever cost. 화이팅김다미!


Realized that Yi Seo told him how she actually felt about him and she didn't expect a "yes" but wanted the truth. With So-oah it was always a matter of "Do you like me?, "why do you like me?" So-oah never once confessed how she felt. She was always comfortable knowing the fact that Saeroyi liked her but because of this, Yi Seo somehow managed to warm her way into his heart. I know deep down Saeroyi's heart has shifted but he doesn't know it yet. I'll say it once again, this show is so amazing.


Almost every person in this world will act like a kid when she/he with someone that they love so much. I feel sad for her when he said don't love me.


I really liked the way she delivered her confession. The first two was like a full confirmation of her feelings for herself. The next 3 was to saeroyi, addressing him more personally each time. First Boss, then intensified you. Kudos to the writers and kim dami <3


Kimdami's acting is really awesome.... I cried with her watching this's like I was hurting as well. She's admirable, definitely be following her next projects!


This first confession is heartbreaking but the phone call "okay, I love you" was sooo damn cute.


This girl is the most unique main female lead i ever saw. Her character in this drama ia also one of its kind
Edit after 10 months :okay I commented this when I was watching this series. BUT NOW I ABSOLUTELY HATE HER, SHE DOESNT CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT ONLY SAEROYI AND SHE IS SELFISH AS FUCK. i wont call that LOVE i would rather call it OBSESSION.She doesn't give a damn about anyone else in the series. She treated the boy who loved her SO HARSHLY, the trans person and mother.. I absolutely hated her by the end of the series.


Seriously, Da-mi's eyes really beautiful. She's truly in love like crazy with Saeroyi and we can see it through her eyes. It's a heartbreaking scene that made me cry when she's crying after got rejected from Saeroyi. Wait, is that a rejection? Saeroyi just said "Don't like me" instead of "I don't like you"😭 I can't blame on him, he's still confused, I guess. I hope after this, in the next eps there will be sweet and lovey-dovey moments with Park Saeroyi and Jo Yiseo😣


Don't worry. The kind of love that grows before your eyes without you even realizing will actually last forever.
She's strong. You need her because she actually knows your heart better than you do. 💕


This kind of drama is one of Rare. I mean it feels like Behind every successful man there is a strong woman. In the scene where the old man Kneel down to seroyi and Yiseo is behind him seating like a queen and just watching what's gonna happen is powerful for me.


Her acting is SUPERB literally one of the bestt actor on my list, , My heart can't stand it seeing dami cried and telling him how she is feel abt him 😭.
Good thing she still stay and decided to support him till the end 🥰🥰


Jo Yi Seo doesn't know how to be selfish when it comes to Sae Ro Yi, she was deeply hurt but after that when he needed her she was there for him and will always be


Probably one of the best scene of this series. Kim Dami's acting is always on point. She' s so good!


Saeroyi's priority is obviously not dating someone at this point of his miserable life. His goals comes first. Love waits. And I believe he'll soon realize his feelings for Yiseo after the confession than what's in his subtle past romance (lol) which he still used to bring up until today. I bet his crush for Soo-ah wasn't that certainly strong. We can tell, he didn't fall for her completely at all. They're just bound to meet through his dad, more like they are better as friends or a family for each other in this story. Saeroyi and Yiseo will surely end up together along the way, their chemistry is just something else despite age gap or whatever. Personality and mindset wise, they matches sooo well. Both brave people who responsibly stood up for their beliefs and desires. Nothing can top that.

Edit: I'll always be #TeamYiSeo ^^


I really love Yi Seo's journey with loving Saeroyi. Maybe because she's a sociopath? Probably. I just really wanted her to feel deeply, even atleast once in her life. To hear her now say that her heart is "about to jump out of my chest" makes me want to do a celebratory dance in tiny.

But most importantly, there's no more secrets between them now. Yi Seo can finally be seen as a woman in Saeroyi's eyes, and now she can also love him all she wants in broad daylight. His rejection may have hurt so bad, but the consequence it brought made me realize that Yi Seo's 2-year plan is still *definitely* on going.


This is how love’s supposed to be like. Not expecting anything in return, not putting any pressure for the other person to love you but to give your all to the one you love. There’s authenticity in her character. Her thoughts, words, and actions align.


Love her acting, she spoke her lines with so much feeling of how hurt she felt at his rejection. Hopefully he will see the light & realize how wrong he was in the remaining episodes. Bravo to this talented actress.
