Net Zero 1. How much is a £trillion?

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Brilliant video ! Should do more like .


It’s pretty basic what’s going on. Every single Climate Change (another word for Global
Warming) model assumes that CO2 level is a GW forcer; driving global
temperature. And further, all of the "models" assume temperature
sensitivity to CO2 which is ridiculously high and not supported by science at
all. That's why *ALL* of the
"Models" are wrong when compared to real data. It's been *PROVEN* that CO2 levels only rise after temperatures has already risen with a lag time of 800 years. CO2 has been put
foremost as the global warming driver for political reasons, and until the fraudsters
get rid of this "the science is settled" attitude (in an attempt to
shut down further discussion), they will continue to be proven wrong. The
severe credibility erosion, to the powers that be, of the “models” being
consistently proven wrong, has led to several fraudulent outcomes. Firstly,
bodies such as NASA, NOAA and East Anglia University (to name just three) have
actually falsified climate data. The latter has had emails leaked documenting
complicity with the IPCC showing clear intention to falsify data reporting. Secondly,
they kick the can down the road with erroneous predictions which had become due
in say 2010 just get extended to say 2025. They just keep extending the
timeline before it comes due and claim that they have "tweaked" the
model and it'll all be spot on in 2025. Thirdly, when they have insufficient
data points, NASA and NOAA in particular, just plug in extrapolated climate
data from the very “model” they are using. So they input data which has already
been skewed with all its erroneous assumptions preloaded (GIGO), like a dog
eating its own vomit.  Fourthly, they
truncate the historical data to exclude periods of greater warmth than today,
to make it look like a warming spike and not part of a
natural cycle. This is what generated the
infamous (and totally discredited) “Hockey Stick”. Many “models” have
eliminated the Medieval Warm Period (300 years) via “data smoothing” to not
draw attention to the fact that as recently as 1250 AD, the medieval pre-industrial
world was warmer than it is now...Now that’s what I call an inconvenient truth.
