Lindsey Stirling - Hallelujah #aSaviorIsBorn

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Merry Christmas Stirlingites!

Please watch this video that shares the Christmas story:

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Sheet music (digital download) with piano accompaniment:

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I suffered from infertility tried for so many years to get pregnant. I always prayed to god to please bless me with a child. I was watching a mother play with her son on tik tok one day I cried and screamed to God "God please give me a that same day something in me told me to take a pregnancy test... it came back positive! I couldnt believe it I was in tears and in shock!I took more pregnancy tests and they all came back positive! A week after I found out I was pregnant I found a cross necklace a few steps away from where I worked at and I then knew it was really God all along and never left my side. I now have a 11 month healthy beautiful baby boy. He's turning 1 in a few days! God is good!


I'm not religious, never have been. Very much an atheist. But Lindsey's passion is so sweet that it inspires me. It doesn't matter what you believe — have a heart in it and it will shine on through.


I remember that concert. That girl. She waited in line next to us for an hour waiting for the concert to start, me and my wife talked to her the whole time, she was gushing. So much passion and love. Then the lines were split and I realized that I had a pass to meet Lindsey and get her signature, just one of those quick things where you get your picture taken and are ushered off. But I noticed the look of disappointment and how closely she gripped that violin. I asked her to hand it to me, me a complete stranger. And in that moment I understood how much she would give up for even the slightest chance of getting that violin signed. She thrust it into my arms and we were whisked away. The look on her face when she saw that violin was more beautiful than I could ever describe.
I hope she sees this. I hope she knows.
I remember that girl.


Lindsey, you spoke to my heart today.
Because I feel like no one sees the gift in me. Only one person, Jesus Christ sees it and he loves me.
I'm going through a very tough time of loneliness .
I was admitted for 38days in the psych ward for bipolar disorder.


I've always found violins and cellos so majestic and magical... brings me to tears whenever I hear them.. makes me wanna learn them so badly


Thank you, having been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, I have come to the realization, that I want to live whatever time I have, living, but know I will see my father once again, when living is done.


I am not religious, but I like seeing others be happy and positive with their religion. I love seeing the look on someone's face when they are doing what they love. Be it music, art, dance, helping others, etc. it is a joy to see their love for their art.


I don't understand how you can just walk by and not stop and listen. Have we become so indifferent to the beauty of the world around us. Not be moved by this.
I don't understand why


Dear Lindsay,
My Dad just passed. Today's date July 19th 2019... The time was 3 p.m. in the last song that he heard as he was joining God in heaven is this song. Thank you.


I'm a muslim. Although muslims do not consider Jesus to be divine but one of the mightiest messengers of God, I feel that if there's one thing that both Christians and Muslims can agree upon, it is that we both love Jesus so much and he was the Messiah (Savior).

I really dont know why I'm writing this to you...maybe because your message towards the end of the video reminds me that there are so many similarities between us to the point that it reminded me of the fact regardless of what your religion might be, there will always be one Almighty God and ultimately, we are the Children of Adam which makes us brothers and sisters in humanity. I know you may feel that I'm not making sense at the moment but all I wanna say is this, thank you for spreading the love for the people. We need it the most especially in this dark age where hatred are being spread at all corners of the Globe.

God will always see the beauty in you and if I may, Surah Qaf 50:16:

"And We have already created mankind and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein"

Thank you :)


I'm Catholic, and for the past few years, I always felt like a black sheep. Like I had nothing special in me, no gifts or anything. Until I came across this video. Lindsey, you've made me realize that I am special in my own way. I am not unloved, I am loved by my family and my friends. They've been trying to help me realize that there is something special in me, but I've been blinded by what I thought of me. I thought of myself as an awkward boy, who doesn't fit in or isn't special. The people I know are what make me, me. I love you Lindsey. You help everyone see the good in them. Keep them coming, girl.


I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah....Amen🙏🏻🙏🏻


This girl, is the greatest girl I have ever seen. My parents are in the middle of divorcing and I love listening to music. I saw this video and clicked on it, a few minutes later I'm crying a thanking the lord she was born this way. Thank you, Lindsey Stirling, for all the things you have done in the music industry


I can't stop crying, I'm playing this at my aunts funeral. I bought a violin right before she passed so I think this is perfect. She always pushed me to do bigger things and to be creative, I love her so much.


5 years after you posted this, you are still touching hearts. Thank you Lindsey for sharing your gift and your love for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God Bless you!


This video is on my personal Playlist "A Music Christian" . I sing to so many songs that I built a home NAS drive to contain all my files. I was injured in the Navy in 1984 which did a lot of damage to my left arm, wrist, elbow trapezius muscle has severed nerves and 2 broken ribs under the left scapula. I absolutely LOVE the violin but cannot play it. You GIVE away something precious and so beautiful, and when it comes up on my playlist I just have to stop, listen and Worship my Maker, Jesus Christ for sparing my Life and coming into my heart.


There are some religious people who seem to focus on pointing out and condemning what they consider the sins of everybody else. Those people I have very little respect for.

Then there are other believers, who, like you, focus on the messages of love and compassion. You have my greatest admiration and respect. I may not share your beliefs, but I wish you and others like you a very Merry Christmas.


Is good to see that some people still care about the true meaning of Christmas.
A savior is born!! It's time to share hope not consumerism, share Jesus above all

Thanks Lindsey!!! beautiful message, may God bless you even more!!!


I'm a rough old blacksmith and this young lady brings me to tears. God bless her and may she continue to Bless God


Probably the most exquisite rendition of this song ever performed! Thank you Lindsey. The Lord God gave you the most beautiful gift and you are using it to bring music and joy to our world. We CAN see the beauty in you. Bless you, sweet one. 🙏🌟✝️🩷
