The Next Big Idea From the Asia Pacific

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SAN FRANCISCO, April 3, 2018 — The second panel at the Asia Society Northern California Symposium "Looking Forward: The U.S., Asia and the Next Big Idea" featured Peter Calthorpe, principal at Calthorpe Associates; Julies Korthenhorst, CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute; and Thierry Porté, managing director of JC Flowers. The conversation was moderated by Eric Best of Best Partners SC. (59 min., 12 sec.)
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We have to find a way of introducing MERITOCRACY in Democracy.


Limited democracies, like the US, have had a very hard time, especially in the last 40 years with the advent of neoliberalism. Limited social Meritocracies like China have found a way to improve the process of efficient governance. Efficient governance in China has led to economic self-sufficiency and hope in developing countries that hope for poverty alleviation! Though India is has a sector that is aware of big data and the high tech there is no industrial policy to which that sector can anchor itself. Yet India may stumble ahead of The US.


He's a liar North Korea began its interest in Bitcoin during 2017 when China passed the batton to North Korea because China was worried about the exodus of their currency via Crypto, but that changed almost immediately with Trump, now North Korea is not big on mining, China does 75% of mining Bitcoin.
