Need to Know #55 - Imminent (08-16-24)

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In this episode, the discussion centers on the escalating developments in the UAP field, highlighted by Lue Elizondo's upcoming book, Imminent. The hosts delve into Elizondo's experiences and revelations, emphasizing his role as a pivotal figure in the ongoing disclosure movement.

They touch on the implications of his work and the potential impact of his new book, which promises to shed light on previously undisclosed information. The episode also covers broader topics such as the influence of UAPs on global politics, the role of the media in covering these phenomena, and the potential consequences of disclosure.

The conversation underscores the tension between the slow pace of official disclosure and the growing public awareness fueled by figures like Elizondo.

There's even a funny story or two in the show. :-)

This is a video version of the Need to Know podcast which can be found on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, etc. Just search for the whole name, "Need to Know with Coulthart and Zabel."


Bryce Zabel Twitter: @HollywoodUFOs
Ross Coulthart Twitter: @RossCoulthart
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We just want to make clear that we do not know what the ads in the show will be, nor do we approve them. You may see ads for either of the presidential candidates. We did not pick them, nor do we endorse them. They're just ads that appear in the YouTube rotation.


Lue Elizondo is the real deal. David Grush, Karl Nell, Tim Galludet, David Fravor, Ryan Graves, and so many more - thank you all for pushing this topic forward.


The Ross/Bryce combo has the best chemistry on a UFO podcast imo.


Thank you for everything you are doing for UAP disclosure.

Thank you News Nation.

Thank you Coulthart and Zabel.

You have a viewer for life for beating the stigma and covering it all in a logical and evidentiary way.


Lovely to hear lots of Bryce ! My favourite UAP show.. thanks guys


We’re tired of the BS, What are these species and where are they from?!?!?!?


Bryce, people are going to comment whatever you say, so don't take it so personal. Just say what you think and own it. Who cares what a faceless person in a YouTube chat say or think.


I have my official copy of Lou’s book. It is excellent. He gave up his and his families whole lives in order to bring this information to the world. He does deserve our support.


I’m broke but im still buying Lou’s book 📕 ❤😂🎉


Ross is someone who you just know, without doubt that he is being straight up. He has integrity, balance, bias, but, carefully chooses his words not to be misunderstood. He has more class. culture and integrity than all of the hard line egocentric bureaucrats and corporate manipulates and possibly some civilisations i could mention.


I would just like to say thank you to Bryce and Ross for truly caring about this issue and digging and fighting for the truth that the American people so desperately need and deserve it is nice to know that we have at least some people on the side of humanity and the truth


Funny that Ross says at the very beginning that it wouldn't be on the up and up to discuss anything in the book, then Bryce immediately pivots to juicy details in the book - lol. Thank you both for this podcast and your efforts.


I want the audio version really bad. And despite the crazy unfair leak, we all should come out in record numbers and by this book and be very proud.


You guys are one of the few fellows talking about this subject who actually make me chuckle along the way. Thank you.


The best podcast in UAP. The 2 Kings together. Always look forward to these videos. Much love from Canada!


According to Danny Shennan, "catastrophic disclosure" is only catastrophic for the agencies behind the secrecy as in his opinion, revealing the information and how certain people/agencies have sat on this topic for decades would be publically shamed and would blight the "face" of these groups and lose public support.


Interesting to see so many comments that suggests Lue is lying, a grifter, or something to that affect. Why expend about an hour of your day watching this video, or similar ones from these men or others, if you believe it’s a charade?


Sorry all I see Lou and his team always focusing on the negative and the extraterrestrials are out to get us. You watch his series and its very plain for all to see. He has an angle and its negative towards UAPS. Dude if they want to take us over they could any time. No one and I mean no one has asked Lou why are you pushing the angle that they are out to get us? He seems to be pushing the angle that supports the defense industry and the military. Why does no one ask a simple question. Why are extraterrestrials not side stepping Lou and the government and just landing and saying we are here and your governments and those ruling your world will use our existence and materials they gathered to control you and the planet? Why is this not being asked by everyone.


I am a third way through the book and given how quickly I read, I already know I will have to reread it to see what I may have missed. Lou's upbringing was certainly unique and it aided understanding of his actions later in life. I am not sure what the govenment is waiting on given this book of "secrets" was allowed to be published. It makes you wonder whether this is part of the disclosure process.


Dear Ross, there is one thing that Journalists use (I don't include you in this theory) in deciding what to chase. It is the "don't upset the hand that feeds you" concept!
