The Nursery: Baby Mystery Snail Tank Maintenance.

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Hiya! Thanks for checking out how I do maintenance on my 5 gallon nursery tank. Hope it gives you a few tips for your nursery or perhaps your mind was just curious of my process. Either way, I hope you enjoyed the video and I look forward to seeing you all in the next one!
As always you can find my current available Mystery Snails for sale here:
and don't forget to visit:
and use code: LAV
for 15% off your cart!
Thank you again for watching and all your support!
Hug your snails for me!
@Lavnyia_ on IG
As always you can find my current available Mystery Snails for sale here:
and don't forget to visit:
and use code: LAV
for 15% off your cart!
Thank you again for watching and all your support!
Hug your snails for me!
@Lavnyia_ on IG
The Nursery: Baby Mystery Snail Tank Maintenance.
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