When to Enroll in Medicare: Medicare Enlightenment Series

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Our Medicare enlightenment video series continues with an explanation of the most important step of your Medicare journey: when to enroll.

Keep in mind that Medicare enrollment is not automatic for most people. Unless you already collect benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board, you have to sign up.

You can only sign up for Medicare at certain times. If you miss the deadlines, the start of your coverage may be delayed, and you may have to pay higher premiums.

When you should enroll in Medicare Parts A and B depends on whether or not you’re still working at age 65. If you’re retired or planning to retire, you should sign up during the Initial Enrollment Period. This is the seven-month period that includes the three months before your 65th birthday, the month you turn 65, and the three months after.

If you’re not retiring and your employer provides health insurance, it’s still a good idea to sign up for Part A during your Initial Enrollment Period. However, whether or not you sign up for Part B depends on the size of your company – if they provide health insurance – or if you receive coverage through the Affordable Care Act. If your company has 20 or more employees, and you’re happy with your coverage, there’s no need to enroll in Medicare, your employer’s plan can be your primary coverage. You can sign up for Part B during a special eight-month enrollment period that begins the day you stop working.

If your company has less than 20 employees, or you’re insured through the Affordable Care Act, it’s best to enroll in Part B and make Medicare your primary insurer.

This video also covers the Medicare enrollment options for people already insured through California’s Medicaid program, also known as Medi-Cal. Find out if you’re eligible to be covered by both programs and how to enroll.

No matter what your situation, it’s important to sign up for Medicare as soon as you’re eligible. If your miss your Initial Enrollment Period, you’ll have to wait until the next Open Enrollment Period.

If you have questions, you can always count on us for assistance. We’re here to help you every step of the way. Call Blue Shield of California or an authorized Blue Shield broker, attend a free Medicare information session, or visit us online.

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