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Your Unmatched Membership now has more!
Hello, valued Club Members!
The biggest news since our start!!

Introducing your new and improved Club Membership. We listened to your input and feedback and evolved the program substantially.

Your already Unmatched Club Membership has been upgraded and evolved to offer more elevated access to more world-class travel than ever before!

Unmatched Access is Amplified!
“Cruise Credits” are now “Reward Points”. Reward Points are like Cruise Credits in many ways, but now they are more dynamic, abundant, and powerful than ever.

There are now 2 different types of Reward Points: (2 for 1) and (1 for 1). Both can be used to book travel in the inCruises system.

When you pay your $100 monthly membership payment, inCruises still amplifies that payment by awarding you 200 (2 for 1) Reward Points.

New Club Members are required to activate their Membership with a one-time $100 activation fee. inCruises amplifies that payment by awarding them 100 (1 for 1) Reward Points.

Plus, when you use (2 for 1) Reward Points to pay for half a cruise, inCruises will match the other half you pay out of pocket with an equal amount of bonus (1 for 1) Reward Points! You can use all of these Reward Points on your next booking.

Unmatched Access is Immediate!
You now have immediate access to your entire Reward Points balance.

No more waiting to use 60%, 70%, or 80% of your Reward Points. Immediate access means less waiting, and more amazing trips than ever before.

All new and existing Club Members can use all of their (2 for 1) Reward Points in place of dollars to pay up to half of cruise bookings, and up to a maximum specified calculated amount on hotels and resorts.

This will result in more savings sooner for more Club Members! Look at this example:

A Club Member who has made 5 $100 monthly membership payments and has 1,000 Cruise Dollars (5 months = $500 in Membership payments).

Is booking a cruise with a $2,000 retail price.

Prior Membership: This Club Member could use 60% of their 1,000 Cruise Dollars, so 600 usable CDs. For the $2,000 cruise, they redeem 600 Cruise Dollars and they pay $1400 out-of-pocket.

The total they paid out of pocket was $1,900 ($1400 for the cruise, $500 for Membership).

They received $2,000 in total travel value…

and still had 400 cruise dollars that would mature according to the loyalty schedule.

That is $2,400 in eventual travel value for $1,900 paid.

Upgraded Membership 2.0: The Club Member can use 100% of their 1,000 RPs to book a $2,000 cruise. For a $2,000 cruise they pay an additional $1000 out-of-pocket. They save $500 on this booking alone and receive a bonus 1,000 (1 for 1) RP’s to use on the next booking. (This bonus is a match of the out-of-pocket payment made at the time of booking.)

That totals $3,000 in immediately available travel value for $1,500 paid out of pocket.

And immediate and amplified access is just the beginning.

Unmatched Access is Guaranteed + Flexible!
We understand that despite your best intentions sometimes monthly $100 payments are missed. The good news is missed invoices do not accrue so you can’t be any more than one month behind. If you miss a payment your account moves from active to “pending” status. To become active again simply pay another $100 membership payment.The maximum time you can remain pending is 3 months. You must make another $100 membership payment before the end of the third month to avoid becoming “inactive”.

If you become inactive, your (2 for 1) Reward Points convert to (1 for 1) Reward Points and are added to your (1 for 1) Reward Points account. Once there, (1 for 1) Reward Points never expire. This means you will never end up with less Reward Points than the dollars you have spent. That’s guaranteed!

It’s a comfort knowing that every dollar paid to inCruises always results in Reward Points that can be used to book travel. None are ever lost. Club Membership is easy to activate, stay active, and reactivate when necessary.

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