Would You Let Your Kids Play Football?

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Lewis Howes and I discuss what the future of football looks like as the sport caves to political correctness.

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Take all the protection off, and you will see guys being more careful! Changing American Football to a more Rugby style is probably a good idea. Can anyone provide head injury stats on Rugby players?


As an English person the title confused me as to why this was controversial 😂😂


I used to use my head as a missile during my football days and now I am 38 and already going through the early onset stages of CTE, and most likely in my late 40s or early 50s will be incapacitated mentally because of it, dropping things, short term memory, blurred vision and headaches, sad because i managed to keep my body fairly fit but the captain of the ship is gonna retire soon.


I suffered 4 concussions my senior year. Basically ended my football career. Now I can get a concussion anytime I hit my head. I had blood and spinal fluid causing pressure on my brain. Intense pain coupled with back and neck injury not counting all the other injuries. I just went through ACDF surgery on my c3 and I still have 3 others pinching my spinal cord.
I have 4 sons and none played or my youngest will play. Way too violent towards your body. I loved playing but the injuries I still suffer from linger on. I played 10 years straight.


As a person from Asia, I immediately thought “why is this a question?” I play football in school every week, and street football is like the thing everyone plays here. Then I realised, oh, they mean American football, that’s why he could break ribs. Still though, for kids who don’t want to break ribs, just play normal football. At most the other kids’ll bruise your shins.


If you want your son to grow up to be a man let him play football if he wants to. Trying to suppress his natural testosterone driven urge for full contact sports will hurt him later in life


Something we always learn is to attack very safely and how to avoid injury’s is our number one concern


Rugby is a town in England. There's a school there called Rugby School where they invented and play a version of football called Rugby Football. Just an hour from London and Oh Look! Bletchley Park (home of WW2 codebreakers) is halfway between. Just so you know.


Just to clarify, rugby is way more safe than football because it has more guidelines set down for safe tackling. Nothing above the neck, you have to make an attempt to wrap your arms around the ball tackler or else it’s a shoulder charge, and you’re penalized if you cause the ball carrier to go legs over head, to name a few. Far fewer rugby players get concussions compared to football players.


1. You never were able to lead with the head. It is called spearing.
2. You want safer tackling, do what rugby does and require you to make an attempt to wrap up. In rugby if you fail to wrap your arms around the ball carrier it is called a shoulder charge and is a penalty.
2. Save football by placing weight maxes. Most offensive and defensive linemen are obese. Matt Burk who won a super bowl as a center for Matt Walsh's Ravens lost 75 pounds after his playing days. Went from 310 to 235. A former center for the chargers lost 87 pounds.


Yes. Start small, flag football. Then in 6th or 7th grade, they can play contact football.


If my kids really wanted to play, were well-educated on the risks and how to mitigate them, and had the perseverance to make it worth their time and potential injury, yeah I'd let my hypothetical kids play football (though I would be at every practice with them while they were still young enough to need a ride from me- and I keep a well-stocked first aid kit in my car). I played baseball and softball as a kid. I knew how best to keep myself whole and hale while still playing the game to the fullest extent, but some injury is unavoidable (especially when it results from someone else's error...). I still got a concussion or two, broke my thumb, had a few sprains here or there, and some really nasty scrapes and bruises, but the experience was worth it. I put my all into playing the game and being a good teammate, and don't regret a thing! I think there is a lot of value in team sports for young kids- provided that they have the kinds of coaches who teach and mentor (as opposed to coaches who are harsh and abusive), and that there is sufficient parental involvement. I helped teach my nephew and oldest niece how to play tee-ball last spring, and was able to be one of several assistant coaches when my health allowed for it. This spring my nephew is moving up to coach pitch (so his dad and grandpa will be mostly overseeing that), and the next oldest niece is starting tee-ball with her older sister. I'm pretty sick right now, but I'm hoping to be significantly better by the time we start practices, so that I can be there for them like I was last year. It was such a blast for them, and such a great social experience (they're aspies, so they need the social experience). The older two can't wait to play again, and the niece who is new to tee-ball can't wait to start! They are already starting to practice because they are that eager :) In fact, I'm pretty sure they're practicing right now (we live in AZ, so it's sunny and decently warm- perfect weather for baseball)!


Ankle tackling is the most effective technique


Football is football, no new tackling "rules" will suddenly stop injures.


Forget American Football moving to I think it should transition to Aussie Rules Football.


Why is the only up next video Steven universe


First I’m gay and straight get it right


Maybe all football should be played on Strat-o-Matic 😬


He didn't actually answer the fucking question.


Just play rugby, imo better than American Football, or just play actual football. You know, the most popular game in the world?
