Climate Change Expenditure Tagging: Program Convergence Budgeting of the Cabinet Cluster on CCAM-DRR

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Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Climate Change Service Director Elenida Basug provides an overview of the Risk Resiliency Program as the convergence budgeting program of the Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCAM-DRR) Cabinet Cluster, and the operating mechanism of the CCAM-DRR Roadmap. Part of the presentation is the introduction to the Program Convergence Budgeting form BP202-A as prescribed under the Department of Budget and Management National Budget Memorandum.

About the CCET

To mainstream climate change in government plans and programs, the Climate Change Commission, Department of Budget and Management, and Department of the Interior and Local Government led the institutionalization of Climate Change Expenditure Tagging (CCET) in national and subnational budget programming and expenditure tracking processes.

DBM-CCC-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular 2015-01 requires local governments to tag their climate change adaptation and mitigation programs in their annual investment plans.

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