Place The Right People In The Right Roles
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'Fit' or 'cultural fit' is the responsibility of leaders. Scott Miller shares how leaders can align their employee's passions and goals with their roles.
In Management Mess to Leadership Success, you’ll find 30 leadership challenges, honed by FranklinCovey through years of research, that illustrate how to rise when you fall and how to survive and even thrive as a leader.
Apply these 30 leadership challenges and change the way you lead yourself, lead others, and get results.
Connect with Scott:
FranklinCovey is a global company specializing in performance improvement. We help organizations achieve results that require a change in human behavior.
In Management Mess to Leadership Success, you’ll find 30 leadership challenges, honed by FranklinCovey through years of research, that illustrate how to rise when you fall and how to survive and even thrive as a leader.
Apply these 30 leadership challenges and change the way you lead yourself, lead others, and get results.
Connect with Scott:
FranklinCovey is a global company specializing in performance improvement. We help organizations achieve results that require a change in human behavior.