Samsung Bing AI

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You're right. Apple wouldn't update your messaging. They'd release a new phone with keyboard update exclusives


I mean, Apple put that U2 album on their phones, and made apple maps.... So yeah I think they definitely would.


Samsung didn't say they were going to switch to Swiftkey, they said they were thinking of moving the default browser from Chrome to Bing, the keyboard wouldn't change, and it was always possible to go back to Chrome and make it the default instead if the user wants it, because the user has a choice (something Apple is not that familiar with)


Lmfao apple is gonna copy it in a year and their fangirls are gonna call it revolutionary😂


Of course Apple won't do this to Apple users, they would rather make them pay for the keyboard


"Your Safe" like that's a bad thing


Love how some of the top comments are just shitting on apple, need more of that in the world


True with Apple you would not have the Option to switch your Keyboard App and be forced to use the features ;).


I appreciate your content and this channel.


Apple would do this, just not now, maybe in like 5-6years, and they would probably make you pay 500$ for that feature


Thanks for the heads up, installed the SwiftKey keyboard on my iPhone and it's a way better keyboard


Great! Here is your 10000-letter long story:

The Curse of the Dark Forest

Deep in the heart of the Dark Forest, there lived a witch named Elspeth. She was known throughout the land for her mastery of dark magic and her ruthless thirst for power. Her reputation was so fearsome that no one dared to venture into her forest, for fear of being cursed or worse.

One day, a group of travelers set out on a journey to the neighboring kingdom, unaware of the dangers that lurked in the Dark Forest. They had heard of the witch, but they believed her to be nothing more than a myth. As they made their way deeper into the forest, the trees grew thicker and the shadows grew longer.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes, and a figure appeared before them. It was a woman with long, tangled hair and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light. She spoke to them in a voice that sounded like the wind whistling through the trees.

"Who are you, and what brings you to my forest?" she asked.

"We are travelers on our way to the neighboring kingdom, " said the leader of the group. "We mean no harm."

The witch regarded them for a moment, then laughed cruelly. "No harm? You dare to enter my domain and expect me to believe that you mean no harm?"

The travelers realized their mistake too late. They tried to flee, but the witch was too powerful. With a wave of her hand, she cast a spell that bound them to the spot. They were unable to move, unable to speak, unable to do anything except wait for the witch's next move.

The witch circled them, cackling with glee. "I have not had visitors in a long time, " she said. "I think I will have some fun with you before I decide what to do with you."

She began to weave her magic, summoning creatures from the depths of the forest. First came a pack of wolves, their eyes glowing in the darkness. Then came a swarm of bats, their wings beating furiously. The travelers could only watch in horror as the creatures closed in on them.

Just when they thought all was lost, a figure emerged from the trees. It was a warrior, clad in armor and wielding a sword that glowed with a holy light. The witch snarled and hurled a bolt of dark energy at him, but he deflected it with his sword.

"Leave these people alone, witch, " he said. "They are under my protection."

The witch hissed in anger. "Who are you to challenge me?" she demanded.

"I am a paladin of the holy order, " he said. "And I will not allow you to harm innocent people."

The witch and the paladin clashed, their powers of light and dark colliding in a fierce battle. The travelers watched in awe as the two titans fought for control of the forest.

In the end, it was the paladin who emerged victorious. With a final strike, he banished the witch from the forest forever. The travelers were freed from her spell, and they thanked the paladin for saving their lives.

But the paladin knew that the forest was still dangerous, even without the witch's presence. He vowed to stay and keep watch over it, to ensure that no one else would fall victim to its curse.

And so he remained, a guardian of the Dark Forest, watching over the trees and the creatures that dwelled within. His legend grew, and soon people came from far and wide to seek his aid in fighting the forces of darkness.

The curse of the Dark Forest was broken, and in its place stood a beacon of hope and light. The paladin's name


I've used swift key for a very long time, before Microsoft acquired it. It's by far the best mobile keyboard IMO. On IOS and Android


out of any other gif he could have chosen why the one with a nazi in it


Apple would never do this

They would force an update that made it so that enabling that AI keyboard was mandatory, if you don't do it the phone won't be able to use the ketboard at all, and it costs 599.99. And also it will come as the only available option in future phones (it also costs 599.99).


Your right apple would never dream of giving your keyboard a useful feature update


SwiftKey isn't the default on Samsung yet


Bing is everywhere, i updated Skype, there is also built-in bing in there


My obscure and nonfamous phone brand: 🍷🗿


I see a paw suit in Microsoft’s future.
Like at least have it easy to turn off.
Or even a option in boot up.
