The Neptune ApexEL: Critical tank monitoring and control, without the cost. | BRStv Spotlight

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Have you been mulling over a new Apex aquarium controller for your tank but don't really need all of the features of the full Neptune Apex with ORP/Salinity monitoring and 0-10v control? Or perhaps the cost of the full Apex has been keeping you from diving in?

Today we show you how the ApexEL \can solve both of those issues with one solution that only includes the critical monitoring capabilities like Temp and pH and does so at a FRACTION of the cost!
#BRStvSpotlight #BRStv

The Neptune ApexEL is currently in-stock, but may not be for long!

Stay tuned as we continue to provide you with Spotlights on your favorite reef gear and strive to go beyond the bullet points on the packaging and show you what this gear is all about!

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The purpose and content of this video is to provide general information regarding the products and their applications as presented in the video. Aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents disclaim all express or implied warranties, in any way, related to the products and their application as presented in this video, make no representation or warranty regarding the products and the application as presented in this video and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages of any type, including but not limited to punitive damages, or from personal injury or death resulting from or in any manner related to the video, and the products in and contents of the video. The viewer expressly agrees that aquatic sales solutions, inc. And its officers, directors, employees and agents shall not be liable for any damages or losses related to the products in and content of the video and hereby agrees to hold the foregoing harmless from any such losses or damages.
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Saweeet. Finally an APEX controller more suited for a planted freshwater system!


Absolutely love this "upgrade" (option?) from Neptune. Considering the modular nature of how this thing is setup I'm wondering why it took so long for them to do it this way, ORP is not something a lot of people need, salinity while nice for reef tanks isn't really that necessary (you have bigger issues if your salinity really swings that much to be monitored/controlled), and 0-10V control while nice most everything that would use it already has a controller for it so it's not necessary and again these are all modules that could be added if you really do decide you need them. As long as it doesn't work like the AquaController 3 vs 3 Pro, where you find out later that when you add on a particular thing it only can control 2 channels as opposed to 4 (or whatever it was), but that was all memory limitations based on a very basic hardware setup

That said, I keep entering those giveaways and you never have picked my name! Throw some love and pick my name for the Apex EL drawing :D


Great video BRS! I am an apex fan and the EL is something I will look into at some point. Running the classic now without any issues, however having the WiFi and new power par to run my 2 DOS's off 1link really pulls me into the EL direction. The only downside for me right now is running kessils I use 1 of the 2 VDM ports. I know I know, I could get the VDM module, it is something I would have to think about!


Great Video, If I could only stop buying coral 😂 I still can’t afford it


Any idea if the ApexEl base unit will be available to purchase separately?


Very interesting after one year I still Only one use power plug from my Apex Jr. Maybe one day I can go a step up


Can you guys pleeeease do a video ASAP on the AI Nero pump?? The systematic methods you use to test and highlight strengths and weaknesses is essential anymore in my buying decisions.


Might be time to upgrade my apex classic


I just got this and it doesn't work and it's hard to send it back to get a new one


Too bad the EB832 is still not available in europe, so this kit won't be either.


wish i could get this. dont wanna pay 500 tho


Can the rest of the world have the new EB6 already?


$500 is affordable for something you really don’t need?
