The Final Journey: Sending Off a Loved One | Hidden Hustles

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What happens to our loved ones after they pass on? Every day, Nicole and her all-female team have to take on the emotionally challenging job of embalming the deceased - and sometimes, even their very own loved ones.

Granted a rare glimpse into the embalming room, Amrit works alongside Nicole for a night.

📍 Serenity Casket

══ Content ══
0:00 Stepping into the embalming room
0:35 Revealing the body for the first time
2:35 Replacing the blood in the body with chemicals
3:50 Nicole's first embalming experience at 20 years old
5:20 Falling out with a friend because of a job
5:55 The mental toll of facing death every day
6:30 Why the deceased needs to wear a diaper
7:38 Being a hero to her three-year-old daughter
8:46 Embalming a father figure
10:46 Nicole's turning point in life as an embalmer and a mum
11:58 Amrit's reflection on life and death


Koon How


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I am dying of heart failure. I hope someone handles my deceased body with the respect, kindness and dignity that you showed the deceased. I am a retired nurse.


Hi everyone, this is Pei Fang, the producer of this episode of Hidden Hustles. Thank you for all the nice comments. Just want to share some thoughts about producing this episode, apart from the ones that Amrit has shared in the video. Prior to seeing the embalming process in person, I have always thought of death as something fearful given the various superstitions surrounding the afterlife in the Chinese culture. When I saw the body for the first time, I teared up as well - seeing how someone who was once full of life, now lying lifelessly on the table. However, the fear towards the dead wasn't as overwhelming as I thought it would be. It was quite a peaceful moment because I knew that we were all here to make sure that they are properly taken care of on their last journey.

In fact, shortly two week after the shoot, my grandmother passed away. Despite the grief, I was relieved to know that there is a group of kind folks who is there to take care of her. Also when I saw her again during the wake, I realised how their job is all the more so important for people like me to say my last goodbye and properly grief - to let the reality sink in that she was finally gone.

I hope this episode will provide a form of consolation to everyone out there who has once lost their loved ones. Know that your loved ones are in the good hands of these individuals who are dedicated to whatever they are doing ❤


We lost a daughter-in-law during childbirth. It was almost the hardest thing I had to go through. So young and full of life and happy about birthing their first child and then she had a heart attack and a brain bleed from full Eclampsia. She was put on life support and the child was born by C-section and also had to be brought back to life. We are grateful for our grandchild and to still have a piece of our daughter-in-law. Life is not fair so live every moment like it will be your last because you never know when your time will come. Thank you for sharing.


Her last sentence you’ll appreciate life when you have understood death really got me emotional. Good documentary and thank you for sharing.


In 2000 i was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at 46 years old. I went through 9 brain surgeries, I was in a COMA on my 7th surgery. As i was told i was near brain dead. During that time i was in the coma, I felt as if i was in a room. I was drawn into this room deeper. i did not walk as i can remember, i floated. (if you close your eyes really tight, you will see speckles of flashing light.) The further i went into this room, I became more at peace. I though about my 4 kids who were very young. But I was at peace knowing they will be fine and i would see them soon. As i went deeper into this room the speckles of like faded away, and it was very very peaceful. When I was in this room I had no worries at all. Nothing bothered me at all. Its very hard to explain., , , , Then my father who passed away 20 years ago, stepped in front of me. We had a very long talk, at the end of this talk, he said to me, "Sonny you have to turn around, this is not your time." I said to him "yes dad." and i turned away from him and floated, as I went back the speckles of light came back slowly. I woke up to see my sister holding my hand, I had a oxygen tube in my mouth. I pulled the tube from my mouth and said to my sister, "I just got done talking to daddy", she looked at me as if I had 2 heads. she was in disbelief. I know what I saw and experienced. It was real. I tell my experience to people but no one believes me. People think it was the drugs.


I used Serenity Casket when my mum passed away 7 months ago. I have nothing but praise for them. Elson (funeral director) was always 1 step ahead of me and ensured everything ran smoothly. Nicole came to the funeral parlour everyday to touch up my mum and her makeup. Due to peritoneal cancer, bubbles would form at her mouth and without complaints, Nicole would come over when that happened. I’d also like to add that they were very sensitive, and sent an invoice a week later - in comparison to some funeral directors who send the invoice on Day 1.


I have washed and dressed people who died. We always talked to them explaining what we were doing. This was before the undertaker arrived but ready for the relatives. It was a privilege to do this final task for someone we had cared for.


"i think you can only appreciate life, when you have understood death" one wise sentence that represents this vid.


She (Amrit) so brave to face that for the first time....


Amrit was so brave to do this but mad respect for professionals like Nicole to do this as a career. love the mood set for this!


Honestly it’s quite sad that there is stigma because of the work they do. I think its a very niche industry that not only doesn’t deserve the stigma, but instead should be better appreciated. Not to the point where you need to glorify them or anything, but a thank you will be more than enough. One day when our time comes, everyone would wish that their bodies are properly handled right


Total respect for these people who do their job with care and devotion. A job we hardly hear of but one we will all be clients. Thank you 🙏 ❤


Amrit really held herself well. Kudos to her. And this whole video was very humbling to watch. It really shows that at the end of our lives, we are going to be limp and lifeless, and will need people to put us to our final resting places, regardless of our status in society.


this job is really not for the faint hearted. i think they are really gifted human to be able to do this. thank u for taking care of the deceased. God bless u all always!


I love how gentle she was in cleaning and dressing the body...with dignity and respect


I can only hope that whoever embalms me when I pass on will do it with such respect and dignity as these two did. Thank you for sharing this rare glimpse into the world of Embalming. Namaste... 🙏


In 2018, I watched my aunt and grandma breathed their last breath (6 months apart). It was my first time witnessing death and it was rather a… surprisingly serene moment (although we panicked to the nurses). When I saw their chest stopped moving, a lifetime feels so short but yet that moment feels like an eternity. Really made me think a lot about life.

Kudos to Amrit for taking on this task. I salute people who are in the funeral service a lot. They are doing a noble job for the deceased before the deceased leave their body behind on this planet. Great video as always, OGS!


"Have you ever had to embalm a loved one?" Really one of the questions I always wanted answered. Really insightful stuff!


If I ever had to be embalmed I would love this lady to be my embalmer. Such respect for the deceased and keeping total dignity. ❤


Both these ladies are the definition of literal Angels.
