How Effective Is Vtama?

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While researchers aren’t completely sure why Vtama works, it appears to modulate the immune system and normalize the skin barrier..
Three clinical trials have shown that it is effective against psoriasis with mild to moderate side effects. It’s also safe for long-term use..
Patients who had taken part in 12-week placebo-controlled clinical trials comparing cream with the drug to placebo cream were then enrolled in a 40-week trial with no placebo group. In the 12-week studies, 40% of patients had clear or almost clear skin with Vtama, compared to 6% of those given the cream with no drug. In the 40-week trial, almost 41% of patients had complete clearance of their psoriasis plaques, and nearly 60% had improvement..
Vtama also appears to send psoriasis into remission. Patients were able to go without the drug for about four months after they stopped using it and still have clear or almost clear skin, Stein Gold said..
“This is really the first time we’re talking to patients about potentially having a drug holiday,” she said..

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It has horrible side effects. Proceed with caution.
