6Rs of Cloud Migration | Explained: 6 Different Application Migration Strategies

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What are the 6Rs? Mentioned for the first time in 2011 by Gartner, the 6Rs are different application migration strategies at the core of every Cloud Transformation: rehost, replatform, rearchitect, repurchase, retain or retire?
These strategies have to be set at application-level, taking into account technical, business, and security aspects.
Watch this video to learn all about the 6Rs:
00:00 Intro: What are the 6Rs of Cloud Migration?
0:42 When do you need the 6Rs?
01:41 Rehost (Lift & Shift)
02:12 Replatform
02:39 Rearchitect
03:06 Repurchase
03:59 Retain
04:28 Retire
05:00 Tool support to define best 6R strategies: Txture Cloud Transformation
These strategies have to be set at application-level, taking into account technical, business, and security aspects.
Watch this video to learn all about the 6Rs:
00:00 Intro: What are the 6Rs of Cloud Migration?
0:42 When do you need the 6Rs?
01:41 Rehost (Lift & Shift)
02:12 Replatform
02:39 Rearchitect
03:06 Repurchase
03:59 Retain
04:28 Retire
05:00 Tool support to define best 6R strategies: Txture Cloud Transformation
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