Acts 10: Should Christians Eat Pork? - The REAL Meaning of the Book of Acts Series -- Jim Staley

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I know it sounds CRAZY, but are we sure that God is okay with us eating pork, shellfish, and unclean animals? I used to be one of those Christians who thought it was crazy to think that God cared about what we eat UNTIL I was challenged to support it. And Acts chapter 10 was the #1 scripture I used to support the idea that I could eat whatever I wanted. Then I realized I was WRONG! I was reading into that chapter what I already believed, instead of allowing the context to tell me EXACTLY what the author was trying to say.

This teaching is Part 5 in the Understanding the Book of Acts series. Understanding Acts from the original Hebraic perspective is critical and foundational to truly understanding the New Covenant and what the early Church actually believed and practiced. Where is the power in the Church today that existed in the first century? This series will challenge you and encourage you at the same time on how to return back to that power. Pastor Jim dives into the nuances and Hebrew culture of the day to truly understand what is really going on in the book of Acts and by extension the entire New Testament Church.


00:00:00 - Peter's Vision in Acts Chapter 10
00:02:18 - Unpacking the Jewish Background of the New Testament
00:04:40 - Cornelius: A Gentile Convert to Judaism
00:07:22 - The Conversion of Cornelius and God's Special Message
00:10:11 - God's Attention and Cornelius's Vision
00:12:43 - The Standard of the Apostles
00:15:03 - Peter's Vision and Dietary Laws
00:17:40 - The Hidden Message for the Gentiles
00:20:32 - The Meaning of the Vision
00:23:03 - Trusting God in Difficult Situations
00:25:50 - Do Not Doubt God's Plan
00:28:50 - Cornelius the Centurion Seeks Peter
00:31:24 - The Blood Covenant in Hebrew Custom
00:34:02 - Covenant with a Gentile
00:36:39 - Breaking Social Barriers
00:39:01 - Peter's Gospel to the Gentiles
00:41:29 - The Holy Spirit Falls Before Conversion
00:44:01 - The Power of Speaking in Tongues
00:46:23 - The Significance of Ritual Cleansing
00:49:07 - Understanding Scripture
00:51:41 - Closing Prayer and Wrap-Up

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Have you ever said to yourself, "There's got to be something more?" Well...there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that--the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

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Рекомендации по теме

I was raised eating a levitical diet. For those new to this, it's really not that hard. Plus beef bacon is AMAZING!


I have lost my appetite for pork and shellfish. It literally makes my stomach upset. I'm glad God led me out of bad eating.


I am suffering with a very long term Chronic pain due to a botched implant procedure… l am about to give up my Faith is shaken 🙏


Pastor Jim I have been following you ever since I started watching you on YouTube, I'm am a messianic believer and am pleased with your teachings, please pray for me, I'm having a very bad sciatic nerve pain which is unbearable, watching from Papua New Guinea


Sin is the transgression of The LAW of YAH/ The 613 Commandments. 1st John3:7
All unrighteousness is sin 1John 5:17
Righteousness is obeying the divine or moral law, to be free from guilt or sin- Webster dictionary
Christ was Righteous/blameless, committed no sin. 1st Peter 2:22; 1st John 3:5
Christ is the light of the world. Whoever "follows" Him will not walk in "darkness", but will have" the light of life".john 8:12
If anyone wants to "follow" Me, let him DENY himself (of sinful acts) & take up his own cross( death to sin/sinful ways) Mt 16:24; luke9:23
And whoever does NOT take up his own cross and "follow" Me...IS NOT WORTHY " Mt 10:38
Do NOT think that I have come to abolish The LAW or the prophets.I HAVE NOT come to destroy/abolish/do away with"IT", but to fulfill "IT".
Truly I say to you, til heaven and the earth passes away, NOT one jot ot tittle shall pass away from The LAW til all things/prophecied is fulfilled." Mt 5:17-20
Christ says-IF you love Me, you will keep My /The Commandments/ obey Me. John 14:15
Otherwise.... you'll be told:
Many will say to Me on "THAT DAY" "Lord, Lord, have we not prophecied in your name? And in your name cast out devils/demons? And in your name done may wonderful deeds?"
And Christ will say to you: I NEVER KNEW YOU. DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO WORKS LAWlessness/ iniquity."


All things are possible with God See Mark 10: 27.


Pastor Jim bendiciones 🙏 que Jehová Dios Todo Poderoso lo bendiga grandemente siempre, gracias a Dios yo tuve la oportunidad de ver en línea su enseñanza en español y sé que a Dios le importa muchísimo como yo me alimento...
Que esté mensaje llegue a muchas personas, para que saben su alimentación..😊


Thanks Jim, great teaching! It certainly is in the context that Gentiles were considered unclean by the Jews! Amazing things happened when Peter obeyed and went with the men to the Centurion's house. Blessings.


I don’t miss pork at all…!never liked shellfish either so this has not been hard to give up!


It's only controversial because of appetite. Even at first glance, it's obvious that this passage is about the gentile Cornelius, and the commission to take the gospel beyond the house of Israel.


Cain's offering was rejected because he brought SOME of his fruits,
whereas Able brought FIRSTBORN of his flock.


The kingdom of God is not eating or drinking, but about righteousness in the Holy Spirit.


@passionfortruth Jim you should do a teaching called “Peter 3’xs” because EVERY time Yeshuah or Yah has to tell him 3 times.. 3 times the temple cryer called, do you love me 3x’s and then here again 3x’s…. Would be good!


Stay away from those who say do not touch, do not eat, do not taste, who have a form of godliness but denies the power thereof. Even now we see so many desperate christians even returning to the old law called hebrew roots etc. Those who are in Christ are set free and indeed so. What is more alarming than returning to these old laws which were perfected in Jesus Christ is that no one wants to talk about the rising of the beast system we see rising fast right now, no one wants to come out of babylon and no one wants to warn against the beast and its mark which is soon upon us. Rather we see do not touch, do not taste, etc as if that is going to save souls. Wake up church, wake up.


From "In Beginning" Father Knows Best. This is why He speaks. His Word Made Flesh, Yahshua, STANDS and will appear shortly on the Mount of Olives to rule and to reign from Yerushalayim. Prepare to meet thy Bridegroom!


1. Question: Jewish dietary laws were out in place as part of the Mosaic covenant.

2. Acts 15 makes it very explicitly clear that non-Jewish believers only have 1 dietary restriction: no eating blood. Why? Do not put the burden of the law on Gentiles.

So... Yeah. Bang goes your argument.

3. Instead of focusing on the LAW ... I wish you would focus on Jesus' Commandments. That's what James was talking about. Reaching out to others to show and demonstrate God's love.

Not obsess over dietary laws in the OT that was meant for the covenant between God and the Israelites.


Ok I get what you’re saying but in his vision God would have not said eat if that’s not what he meant. Sorry but parables always have dual meanings or deeper meaning. Still love your videos


Acts 10:28 Peter said it was unlawful for a “Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation” but where in the old testament is he referring to?


The Gospel is this:
We are to accept Yahushua's Salvation, and then REPENT of our wrong doings and establish a personal RELATIONSHIP with His Father God Almighty The Creator of All 👉🏻 Yahuah. Seeking Him for guidance and the truth in all things.
Salvation, REPENTance, Redemption. Salvation is free but faith without works is dead. Yahuah gave us LAWS not religions. Its about RELATIONSHIP not religion. The whole point of Yahuah's salvation for mankind through His Son Yahushua was so that sins can be forgiven so mankind can once again have a RELATIONSHIP with Understand that before Yahushua's salvation, sin separated man from God! But now through accepting Yahushua as your personal Savior and Savior of Mankind your sins are forgiven and everytime you ask your sins are forgiven. But the whole idea is to be repenting of sins not excusing your sins...or a license to keep sinning...
The New Testament is a CONTINUATION of The Old Testament (Torah) minus the books of Paul The FALSE APOSTLE. The REAL Apostles of Yahushua never appointed Paul they appointed Mathias. The KJV did not have the final authority from Yahuah. They took out the books of The Apostles and the books of Enoch and put in the books of Paul.
The Torah Dietary Laws STILL APPLY. So no pork allowed! No shell fish! Nothing creeping crawling...
The 10 Commandments STILL apply. The Sabbath Day is SATURDAY the 7th day as reflected on many calenders NOT Sunday the 1st day of the week. The 6th Commandment is You shall not murder. Because self defence IS ordained.
And we are to STILL observe the Feasts/Observances of Israel commanded to Moses for all the generations of mankind. They are not "just for the Jewish people" because we are all to be Jewish. Yahushua was Jewish not Greek as in the false name "Jesus" they gave him...WAKE UP folks! The wolves are guarding the sheep and will lead the masses straight to Hell


I'm just curious, are you a SDA?
