SECRET TECHNIQUE to spinning on a Drop Spindle I Beginner Drop Spindle TUTORIAL

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This is a beginners tutorial on how to spin on a drop spindle. I also include a quick tutorial on the park and draft method, which can be an easier start for a complete beginner. I believe my "secret" will prove more helpful than any other drop spindle video out there! It may also help advanced spinners! I hope you enjoy and give me a like and SUBSCRIBE for more! Videos every week!

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Brilliant! Anyone can make something simple complicated, but it takes a bit of genius to make something complicated simple. You have that genius. Thank you - after all these years, I think I can do this. 💗💗💗


This video is understated perfection- simple, clear, - wonderful! Your voice, ( tempo, volume, accent, ) is a great match to the tempo of the instruction- like perfectly even spinning if that makes sense!


That close-up shot was SOOOO helpful! First tutorial I’ve watched (and I’ve watched many) that did that. ❤


6:13 ".... and of course, if you are not going for consistency you can always do it a different way." I LOVE THAT ATTITUDE! She boths gives her own wonderful advice, and gives you permission to do it however you want.


I’ve watched a lot of tutorials on the last few days and this is the best one I’ve watched. I was in tears last night with a mess of woolen roving around me completely ready to give up. I’m glad I watched this today, I feel like I’m ready to give this another shot. You answered all the questions I had and troubleshot all of the things I was having issues with. Thank you!!!


This is maybe the best self shot video i have ever seen, its easy to see it all and the audio is great. I hope you are still spinning and weaving


This is such an awesome video!! Thank you so much. I’m not a new spinner but it’s never a bad idea to come check out how somebody else spins. I love your secret and will definitely try it during my next spin. Thank you for giving the world a nice, clear video on how to spin!


This is so great! I have been spinning like this for years, but nobody ever mentioned it. They were all, " keep twist out of the zone!" and I'm thinking "No! I use twist in the zone to control the size of the thread by untwisting as i go!" So good to see how well you explain this💕


The “untwist” makes perfect sense. Takes the pressure off the end of the twisted section for ease of continuing. I wish my spinning teacher had mentioned that—thank you so much Rayne!!


Your video creation and lesson is so perfect. Thank you for sharing such valuable content. I recently bought a second drop spindle and was trying it out last night, and immediately went down in a ball of flaming failure. I was following some instructions and decided that I needed ten extra hands, an IQ upgrade or one exceptional teacher to pull me out of the dark places. Then I decided to wait and seek a teacher and here you are. I found that there were just too many things that my hands had to be doing at the same time, and you have broken those tasks into more manageable bites. I'll have to watch your video a few more times before I try again. This is not easy. Drop spindles should come with that warning. Thanks again, sorry for the long winded message. Thanks again.


You make it look so easy....really struggling


Wow I was so scared to start spinning but this video calmed me down and everything made so much sense. Thank you!


beautiful instructions - so clear and concise, with great demonstrations. I've watched a lot of also-very-good instructors which has started me off with a drop spindle, but there's something about your way of working & explaining that's just clicked with me. I'm so glad to have found your channel. Thank you!


I am literally learning to spin today (got my spindle delivery overnight). I will be watching this video over and over again! <3


You're a life saver! I could never grasp how people could draft so easily and so fast but this makes it all clear. Not only can I probably spin around 10 times faster than before, it's also much less frustrating :') Thank you!


Thank you for this video. Beginner here and have been frustrated. Your video explained the pulling really well. Will definitely try.


Excellent tutorial.
So many tips.
When I saw you join the break, it made me think of joining commercial yarn !
If I could simply card the end of my yarn, add the new yarn (also carded) and spin the join ?
I am going to try.
So there is no break in my work.
Your secret technique was beautifully explained.
I also like the fact the arms don't have to go high up.
Makes drop swindling easier in small spaces.
Have you seen the staff being used?
The lady kept the roving on a staff, wrapped with a ribbon.
(She was reproducing medieval times).
This meant the roving was high up and there was a lot of it.
Made me think of the staff of Mary and her little lamb.
The dealgan spindle was made to use in the fields.
Very robust.
So, imagine, picking up sheep's wool and keeping it on ones staff !
So practical.
Watch the sheep and spindle at the same time.


A great tutorial, thank you! I especially loved the 'trouble-shooting' aspect.


Your video has made a big difference in my spinning! Thanks so much!


I’ve been trying to drop spindle off and on for a year or two I keep getting so frustrated and about to give up until I found your channel, thank you😊