He'll Find A Way | Just Sing BTS Ep. 5 | The Collingsworth Family

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Whatever situation you may find yourself in, know that He is still in control and has a way for you to make it through! May this song be an encouragement to you!

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Album Info: Just Sing! (2021)
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Go see them in concert. Hurry. Mind blowing. Go worship the Father with them. Go. Don't wait.


I have to say there is an anointing on this song.
I was in ICU for a month with Covid and dying. I was in prayer and praise listening to this song one night. As we always say, “All of a sudden” God showed up. He filled my head with His gentle voice and He said, I’m turning this around right now! From that moment forward I started feeling better. The next day when the doctor came in I was sitting a chair with no oxygen on. He almost lost it and asked me what happened. I was glad to tell him. I give God the glory and all the praise.
Thank you for this song. God ministered to me thru this song.
To God be the glory!
Recovering airline pilot!


I just felt like it was written foe me today. So timely. "No matter how difficult your situation is, God will find a way".🙏🙏


I love all the Collingsworth family!!!! Each has such talent!!! I really love when Brooklyn sings a solo---she is so gifted in the way she puts her whole soul into the words and is able to communicate the song as if she is singing it to you personally!!!! Like I said, each one has a special talent that is God given and oh, so special and i am so thankful for their ministry!!! They have really touch ed my heart in so many ways. i am alone so much of the time--i am home bound. I live with my oldest son and his family with my 3 awesome grandchildren, but there is no feeling of the Lord here. It really is hard!! I raised my sons in the way of the Lord. in a Bible believing and teaching and doing church where love was so open and they paid all of our bills for months when I had to go on SS disability.


Sing your song girl!! What a tremendous blessing


I lost my son almost 4 years ago, my dad 4 months and 12 days after that & less than7 months ago my husband died, so this song means a lot to me.


Thank you for sharing this wonderful message. The lord is with us and will find a way, I trust Him. 💖 At 93 yrs He full filled this promise so many times. 💟🙏


Wow!! Just found this beautiful powerful blessing of a song AMEN


Yes, this song is timeless!!! I feel it is my life!!! I have been through 38 years of Lupus and so many near death circumstances---God intervened when the Doctors said they could do no more--well I am still here at 62. I thank God for my parents, very string Christians who helped in ways that I could never have dreamed. My illness led to divorce early on while I could still work. I raise my 2 sons and God certainly led there--raised in a good Bible believing and doing church. They have both left the faith now--my heart is broken--God knows and the story is not over. I pray continuously!!! For them and their wives and my 3 grand children who are young just little and have no choice to make any choice but what their parents believe. God can do anything!!!


Amen!!! Yes He will ALWAYS find a way to bring us through any and every circumstance 🙏💕


This family is so relevant to the body of Christ right now. It is life giving ministry to those of us who have had devastating loss recently. I thank my God for the Collingsworths. Love them and love their songs ❤️


She did a really nice job. I like the little runs she did. The best I have heard her sing.


Despite the trials, sorrows, and tragedies that we are experiencing, our Lord Jesus is providing a healing balm through the music ministry of the Collingsworth family. Staying faithful and obedient to God has rewards. He always finds a way for us. Yes, we will cry, even so, do not become weary in well-doing. Jesus is coming soon! Hallelujah! Amen!


Brooklyn Does a Great Job as always on this song! She is the Best of the Best of the Female Singers of Gospel Music!


A faithful God and Father is YHVH! And so is the Lord Jesus! (John 14:1)


Absolutely beautiful song !!! Love Babbie Mason !!! Gorgeous song for lovely Christian ladies.


Absolutely beautiful song 🎶, love 💕 it!!


Heard this on the 3ABN radio music channel for the first time this morning and had to find out who sung this! Beautiful!


Oh. How. Amazing. This. Song. Is. And. It. Is. Amazingly. Done!!!! PRAISE GODS MIGHTY


Love you guys, -and: Hi Babbie; always enjoyed your contribution to the Gaither group. So fun to see you all on U-tube.
