Crysis 3 E3 2012 Gameplay - IGN Live

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We take a look at the third installment of the Crysis series at E3 2012.

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It's sad to see someone from Crytek not knowing his stuff. It's not the first time to fire a weapon while cloaked - in C1 you could fire the SOCOM with the silencer while cloaked.


Alcatraz learned to use the suit's voice, and is kinda half-Alcatraz, half-Prophet, now.


Actually, if you built your own computer instead of getting ripped off with a prebuilt like most people do, Crysis 2 is no problem for modern day PC's. I doubt 3 will be either.


lol...its a saying "if it isnt broke dont fix it." I didnt literally mean broken and i also wasnt even refeering to crysis 1 in my comment, i was saying that it is ok that they didnt change the HUD at all in crysis 3 and that changing a game too much can make it less enjoyable than the previous one...


''this razor-sharp metal thing...''


At the end of the game he called himself Prophet.


Looks amazing if you ask me. I personally think that it looks better than Crysis 2. The AI could be better, but they have till February to do so. I can't wait for this game.


If your referring to the graphics in any form of way, I don't see how it could get any different unless they made it worse.


Well, for one...Crysis's art style basically is - REAL life ^_^ so once you get close to that, what can you change to make better? =P
As for the HUD and weapons, it takes time to think of good concepts. Drawing and designing the weapons, then modeling them, then animating them, they all take TIME. So with Crysis 3 still months away from release, of course some of the art is gonna be recycled from Crysis 2 in the meantime! HUD's for pre-alpha games have almost always been changed... =)


Crysis 2 was shit, this looks like more of what Crysis 2 had to offer with a bow thrown in.

Ill be interested when the aliens from the first one come back, when I get to play as Psycho or Nomad and continue the story where Crysis 1 left off and when the controls get put back to how they where in the original instead of the noobed up console control scheme Crysis 2 had.

If I wanted to play another repetitive console shooter id go play another Halo game.


Yeah, but there's a difference between COD and Crysis, in my opinion. COD is just a story made so that there can be more conflict and gameplay. Crysis feels more like they care about the storylines (granted the premise for this one is kinda lazy). What I mean is, it's not like Madden. Same game every year, nothing new except better animations and such. At least with Crysis (and CoD kinda) they're trying to improve it all. Y'know. ...Not just the tackling animation.


There's only one problem with what you just said. CRYSIS ISN'T DEUS EX. In Crysis 2, the stealth kills weren't meant to be used on everything all the time. It's not a full-stealth game, it's a hybrid of stealth and combat. And in reality, as the suit was /made/ for, you're supposed to use the stealth moreso for hit and run tactics.

Anyway, you shouldn't think you can get away with stealth stabbing someone when the action uncloaks you. AI isn't completely oblivious to things.


I understand what you mean, but I've always felt you can stealth in Crysis if you do it right. Put a silencer on a pistol with cloak enhance. You can headshot people while cloaked, and you'll just lose a tiny bit of energy. Even in Deus Ex, you couldn't just stroll pass people. I think Crysis does its stealth and guns blazing well. That being said, yeah it is kinda hard to when if you stab someone, somehow even the president knows you did it. xD


hmm iv never had that problem before i usually use stealth stab a few guts then create a diversion for the remaining ones that i wont be able to take down with stealth, usually fire at then from a possition then stealth and run to another, or blow up a few barrles and confuse them, lol i like messing with there heads.


hopefully since they haven't worried about updating their already beast engine, they focused more on game play and story.

I am not as excited as I was for the first game back in 2007, but this still looks inviting.


if you stab someone in front of there buddies yeah they will be out for your blood but stealth isnt an easy option to do its about timing and calculation, you can use stealth effectivly but you have to use it correctly.


Keyword current gen console. From a PC standpoint, it's nothing new. I think it's a good deal more than just a 'dlc' - but I still haven't seen enough to even remotely considering buying C3, when there are so many other games coming out in the same timeframe..


Oh!... That's kinda sad, actually. I really liked the idea of Alcatraz surviving, but now it moreso seems like an excuse to get Prophet out of being screwed by the virus. =C


yea im sad about this. im a huge fan of the first game and damn, it was sad in crysis 2. look at crysis 1 trailer, THAT is an epic story


I wasn't really all that into crysis 2, and this doesn't look like it's going to change my mind...definitely a beautiful looking game though.
