Easiest Brag Book Album Ever | TUTORIAL | Use your stash! 🌸🌼

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Hello! Thank you so much for watching!
These little flip albums were quick and easy. It’s projects like this that bring me so much joy. I love paper so much!
xo Amber

Art glitter glue:

Tmika’s Channel:

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You shared this video six years ago but your message about taking a break from everything and just craft is so true. Crafting for me is therapy and I believe God allowed for me to tap into my natural abilities at a point in my life when I became disabled due to a car accident I had many years ago. I use to teach deaf children (all ages) for many years but then I had a car accident that left me disabled. I was a gospel singer as well and traveled and did missionary work in third world countries when I was off from school but all of that came to a huge halt when I had the accidents. I still sing locally but one of the greatest gifts God has given me was time because after months of not being able to walk, sit up or stand and had no idea what was next for me, I learned that I had the gift of creativity and could craft and make things to gift to family, friends and even people I didn't even know but God just puts them in my way and lays it upon my heart to just gift them with something I make and this puts a smile on their faces and makes their day and this in turn puts a makes my heart sing. So yes, crafting is therapy, it's a gift that truly keeps on giving. Thank you for all you do and all you share. You and your sister are both a huge gift to this beautiful community called craft lovers. Love and hugs my dear. God bless you always and please don't stay away for too long, when you do, you are greatly missed. <3


Thanks for another great idea, Amber. Yes, crafting and music go together and makes for the best “alone’’ time!


OMG...I understand your pain concerning not being able to craft and I also know the joy and comfort one has when you can find time to create. I spend my entire life living the life you have now. I am retired now and I can honestly say that my life is filled with nothing but crafting and creating the things I love! Hang in there! As long as you do a little something everyday you'll be ok. You will never loose it!....love your videos!


Loooovvvveeee these. Definitely making these for the grandparents!! Thanks for sharing


These are wonderful little goodies. Thanks the wonderful ideas you are sharing!


Oh so sweet, love, love, love, these awesome Brag Books. Thanks for sharing your amazing and creative talent! Blessings & Hugs from Canada.


I am in love with these!! Thanks for sharing Amber!


I’m a Newbe to your posts and can’t get enough. You are incredibly talented. Thank you for having your gift.


Beautiful! I totally agree with what you said about finding a little time in your day to craft! My ideal weekend would consist of nothing but crafting and coffee ☕️❤️


Absolutely gorgeous!!! Every day I live for a new video from you!!! The inspiration you bring to me is endless! I appreciate you and Bree for all of the creativity you share with me! Thank you!


These flip albums are super adorable and look like so much fun to make! Thanks for sharing. Glad you are feeling back in the game.


I make albums like this, and use notecards or just old cardstock that I fold. I make them however very thick. Like about 30 to 40 cards.
Even the glueing is relaxing, I use a tombow gluestick.
But the trick when you use so mnany is to not glue them all the way to the end.
That way your spine is super flexibel and the book can grow :)


So glad you are back. Missed all your wonderful ideas Amber.


I love your tutorial because I have so many scrap pieces I don't know what to do with them. Now I do! TFS! Maxine


This seems super simple to make. My aunt (who's like my mom) will be going to Vegas for the first time for her birthday next month with her girl friends. I would love to create one for her with White gold and touches of black so she can add her photos to afterwards. TFS and for the inspiration!


Those are so pretty!!! Pink is my favorite color and all of the pages are beautiful! If I wasn't in the middle of a move, I'd be making a couple of them for gifts. Thank you so much for sharing your craft fair ideas! 🌸🌺🌼


Thanks for sharing!!! I love when my favorite crafters reference my other favorite crafters....💕💗💕


Love how really informational you are and easy to follow. Thank you for not assuming I already know any of this. Love it


Super cute, pretty, and springy. Love this idea.


Absolutely Adorable!!! Yes, the possibilities Are endless...
