Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sent as a Messenger to the Whole of Humanity - Dr Zakir Naik
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Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sent as a Messenger not only to the Muslims or the Arabs but to the Whole of Humanity
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that there were hundred and twenty four thousand Messengers sent on the face of the earth.
But all the messengers that came before the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) they were only sent for their people. And the message which they proclaim was suppose to be followed in totality only for a particular time period.
For example, Jesus Christ (Pbuh) he was sent only for the Bani Israel, only for the Jews, It's mentioned in the glorious Quran in Surah Ale Imran ch. 3 verse no. 49
That “We appointed Jesus Christ (pbuh) as a messenger to the Bani Israel.” To the children of Israel
It's mentioned in Surah Al-Saff Ch. 61 verse no.6 That
“Jesus Christ (pbuh) was sent as a messenger to the children of Israel”
The same message is given in the Bible, if you read the Bible, its mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew ch. no. 10 verse no. 5 and 6 Jesus Christ(pbuh) he tells his apostles that,
“Go ye not into the way of the gentiles. Who are the gentiles? The non-Jews, go ye not into the way of the gentiles enter ye not into the city of the Samaritans. But rather go to the lost ship of the house of Israel.”
Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself further says it's mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew ch. no. 15 verse no. 24,
“I have not been sent but to the lost ship of the house of Israel.”
So Jesus Christ (pbuh) was sent as a messenger only to the bani Israel only to the Jews, only to the lost ship of the house of Israel.
But since prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was the last and final messenger
It's mentioned in the Quran in Surah Ahzab ch. 33 verse no. 40
مَّا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَا أَحَدٍ مِّن رِّجَالِكُمْ وَلَـٰكِن رَّسُولَ اللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ ۗ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمًا
Which means “Muhammad (pbuh) is not the father of any of you men but he is the messenger of Allah and he is the seal of the Prophets. And Allah is all knowing, full of knowledge.”
Since Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last and final Messenger he was not sent only for the Muslims or only for the Arabs. It's mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al Anbiya ch. 21 verse no. 107,
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
That “We have sent thee not but as a mercy to all the worlds, as a mercy to all the creatures, as a mercy to the whole of humanity.”
It's repeated in the Quran in Surah Saba ch. 34 verse no. 28
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا كَافَّةً لِّلنَّاسِ بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا
That “We have sent thee not but as a universal messenger giving glad tidings and warning them against sin. But most of the human beings yet do not know.”
Since Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last and final messenger, he was not sent only for the Muslims or for the Arabs, he was sent for the whole of humanity.
#Prophet #Muhammad(pbuh) #sent #Messenger #Muslims #Arabs #Whole #Humanity #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #Comparativereligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #pewdiepie #asmr #music #markiplier #old town road #pewdiepie vs t series #billie eilish #fortnite #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that there were hundred and twenty four thousand Messengers sent on the face of the earth.
But all the messengers that came before the last and final messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) they were only sent for their people. And the message which they proclaim was suppose to be followed in totality only for a particular time period.
For example, Jesus Christ (Pbuh) he was sent only for the Bani Israel, only for the Jews, It's mentioned in the glorious Quran in Surah Ale Imran ch. 3 verse no. 49
That “We appointed Jesus Christ (pbuh) as a messenger to the Bani Israel.” To the children of Israel
It's mentioned in Surah Al-Saff Ch. 61 verse no.6 That
“Jesus Christ (pbuh) was sent as a messenger to the children of Israel”
The same message is given in the Bible, if you read the Bible, its mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew ch. no. 10 verse no. 5 and 6 Jesus Christ(pbuh) he tells his apostles that,
“Go ye not into the way of the gentiles. Who are the gentiles? The non-Jews, go ye not into the way of the gentiles enter ye not into the city of the Samaritans. But rather go to the lost ship of the house of Israel.”
Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself further says it's mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew ch. no. 15 verse no. 24,
“I have not been sent but to the lost ship of the house of Israel.”
So Jesus Christ (pbuh) was sent as a messenger only to the bani Israel only to the Jews, only to the lost ship of the house of Israel.
But since prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was the last and final messenger
It's mentioned in the Quran in Surah Ahzab ch. 33 verse no. 40
مَّا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَا أَحَدٍ مِّن رِّجَالِكُمْ وَلَـٰكِن رَّسُولَ اللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ ۗ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمًا
Which means “Muhammad (pbuh) is not the father of any of you men but he is the messenger of Allah and he is the seal of the Prophets. And Allah is all knowing, full of knowledge.”
Since Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last and final Messenger he was not sent only for the Muslims or only for the Arabs. It's mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al Anbiya ch. 21 verse no. 107,
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
That “We have sent thee not but as a mercy to all the worlds, as a mercy to all the creatures, as a mercy to the whole of humanity.”
It's repeated in the Quran in Surah Saba ch. 34 verse no. 28
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا كَافَّةً لِّلنَّاسِ بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا
That “We have sent thee not but as a universal messenger giving glad tidings and warning them against sin. But most of the human beings yet do not know.”
Since Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the last and final messenger, he was not sent only for the Muslims or for the Arabs, he was sent for the whole of humanity.
#Prophet #Muhammad(pbuh) #sent #Messenger #Muslims #Arabs #Whole #Humanity #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik #Dr #Drzakirchannel #God #Muslim #Islam #Islaam #Comparative #Religion #Comparativereligion #Atheism #Atheist #Christianity #Christian #Hinduism #Hindu #Buddhism #Buddhist #Judaism #Jew #Sikhism #Sikh #Jainism #Jain #Lecture #Question #Answer #QuestionsandAnswer #Logic #Reason #Science #Misconception #Misunderstanding #PeaceTV #Dawah #Muhammad #Mohammed #Hadeeth #Hadith #Saheeh #Sahih #Man #Woman #Human #Humanity #Problem #Solution #Rights #Media #War #Peace #Similarities #Debate #Lecture #Quran #Quraan #AlQuran #AlQuraan #Bible #Veda #Gita #Geeta #Baghwat #Upanishad #Purana #Terrorism #Terrorist #Universal #Brotherhood #Word #Purpose #Life #Jihad #Jihaad #Jesus #Christ #Jesuschrist #Church #Mosque #Masjid #Perspective #Ask #AskDrZakir #Seeking #Knowledge #Education #NonMuslim #Fundamentalist #Fundamentalism #Symposium #Dialogue #Salaah #Salah #Shariah #Scripture #Ahmed #Deedat #AhmedDeedat #Daee #Missionary #pewdiepie #asmr #music #markiplier #old town road #pewdiepie vs t series #billie eilish #fortnite #Concept #West #Family #Global #Ramadhaan #Ramadan #Tauheed #Tawheed #Monotheism #Zakaat #Zakat #Zakah #Hajj #Saum #Fasting #Makkah #Mecca #Madinah #India #Malaysia #Ummah #Unity #Importance #Date #Isamophobia #Understand #Deen #Fardh #Fard #Haraam #Haram #Sunnah #Mustahab #Waajib #Wajib #Compulsory #Prohibited #Encouraged #Permissible #Permitted #Prohibited #Sin #Sinful #Heaven #Hell #Hellfire #Jannah #Jahannum #Paradise