Two Words: IT SLAYS!

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Chironomid Frenchie is what you'll see it named with Umpqua most likely, but around here, it's the "Silver Lancer" (or Gold Lancer, or White Lancer as the case may be).

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Alright this is getting weird. Either the algorithm is good or you guys and I are somehow connected in our brains. After tying up some flies last night I went to bed before I got around to tying some silver lancers, but they were on my brain. Still on my brain this morning and I was just coming to YouTube to find the video for it again. They were the ticket on a big deep river here in Missouri a few weeks back and my guide friend was honestly quite surprised by the fly and how well it was fishing. Gonna hit the vice now!!!


Your music is so beautiful to listen to...


This beauty has several key points.
The breathers are in perfect proportions.
The addition of the varnish/superglue over the threads will quadruple the durability of the life of the pattern from the teeth of trout.
The bead while perfect for stream, river, lakes. As here in the UK most of my fishing on large lakes is from a boat under our competition rules. The bead would breach the additional weight restrictions so would in that case have these on both straight and curved hooks in sizes #10 to #16 on on light, medium, and heavyweight hooks. To cover sink rate balanced to size of fish expected. Also on our top venues like Rutland Water most fish are fit and hard fighters. Not wet sock stockies. Yes bling, bright, flashy lures still work. Until the fish get wise to them. Then the drab and more food item specific tactics come into play. Often with the combination of a FAB or Boobie with a small nymph, scud, or cormorant type fly. The fish is drawn in by the flashy lure. Only to turn and take the nymph.


Looks good ! Always looking for some different patterns, should be good on Stillwater as one of the flies on a washing line !


Looks interesting, will have to try it on panfish in the lakes here in central Fl.


Slay is such an underused word in the English language. Nice!


Is this a cased caddis or something? I really dig the look!


What’s the name of this fly fish pattern? Recipe, please.
