All Signs! Their Current Feelings For You.. Right Now.. At This Moment!

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YOU ARE Pisces here & Ive been singing WHAM! LAST CHRISTMAS - for the past 3 days!!!!😮😮😮😮❤ This time of year messes with me/ I got divorced 2 years ago- and it happened 10 days before Christmas at that time. NEVER DOUBT YOUR GIFTS!!!! ON POINT!!! 😳😳😳🔥


Libra read is spot on. Yep, Im accepting that the connection is a loss and moving on


I’m a Pisces going into 2024 single the best way to go, and my New Year’s resolution is to maintain that 😂❤ focusing on myself only


👍Aries Sun🌞Cancer Moon🌛Taurus Rising⬆️


Thanks for the read. Always on point. I was being sneaky and cross watched Sagittarius. Then I watched my sign Capricorn. 😂👌
To Sagittarius sabotaged our connection and claims he's sorry and wants to fix things but I don't eat twice where I already got food poisoning. I'm not signing up for a 2nd round of heart break. Hard pass. He can love me from where he's at. I'm manifesting a new connection with someone who knows what they want.


♉️ read is true ! I was dating a Leo ♌️ and it started to seem like the relationship was only about sex ! He hardly ever wanted to go out he always wanted me to come over and stay at his house . I mean what other signs do I need . He just saw me as a booty call basically . And I don’t have the time . Anywho I’m more focused on my finances so he can go ! There’s the door 🚪


The cancer read is SPOT ON! wow thank you Tyler


Tyler, I’m sure everyone who watches you can agree, you doubt your reading sometimes, but even if you don’t understand it, you’re definitely making perfect sense to who needs to hear it. When spirit is telling you what the collective needs to hear, know that more times than not, you’re not going to understand what’s being told because it’s simply not your message. You’re the vessel that relays the messages to exactly who needs to hear them. You’re doing exactly what you were meant to do, so when you say you don’t understand or verbally express doubt, it’s natural, but be assured that it’s reaching who it’s meant to. I have never had not one of your readings that wasn’t on point. You’re truly blessed. Thank you and I hope you take this as confirmation that you are definitely gifted. May spirit continue to bless you as you do for all who watch your readings❤️❤️❤️


I feel like we’re such a community, Like I go to Instagram to see what my friends are doing.. I’m on a certain side of TikTok and see what they are doing and I’m on YouTube for the Tarot community. I love it.


♎️ Tyler spot on! Even with the 2 scenarios, he broke up with me, said he didn’t, so I broke it off! And he’s never had anyone leave him. I am 💔This read really gave me the clarity I did the right thing. Thank you Tyler😘


Gemini old person is SO CRAZY ON POINT. I know you couldn’t connect but wow . Amazing read 😅 . I just met someone new though and I had a feeling it would happen. Missed opportunity for sure cause I don’t double back . EVER !


when you channeled the lyrics "last christmas i gave you my heart" i started crying cuz thats exactly my situation and the song ive had stuck in my head


I love this spread because it incorporates the new energy…💓💓🙌🏽🙌🏽


I wish my energy would be cleared. I'm tired of exe's. 🥱


Timestamps for all signs (written only) Scorpio-Pisces in 2nd comment 👇🏽
Watch/read your Sun, moon, & rising signs to resonate for you🌹🥰

Aries 🌼🥀🌼🥀- **New person** -This person could feel they need to let you go so that they can focus more on themselves (they’re focused on work). They could be too busy right now. It’s possible some of you could walk away to meet someone new. Others of you could remain with this person to work things out. This person could also be closed off emotionally at times as well (their emotions are up and down). Take what resonates please.

**Old person** -This person wants to speak to you again and express their feelings for you (they want to apologize). They are confused where this connection is going (it’s 1 sided). There could’ve also been drama in this connection as well. This person questions if you were honest with them. They all have been waiting for you to contact them first. Take what resonates please.

Taurus 🥀🌼🥀🌼- **New person** -This person could think you’re inconsistent. They could be walking away due to this. This person could’ve expressed their feelings towards you, however some of you could’ve ignored it. It’s best to walk away and move on. Take what resonates please.

**Old person** -For some, yes this person wants to talk. They could’ve waiting for you to text/call them first. Yes they’re find you attractive as well. Fire signs (Aries, leo and Sagittarius) and earth signs (Capicorn, Taurus and Virgo) are significant. Some of you could’ve acted aggressively when being submissive and this person didn’t like it. They also want you to express your feelings more. For those who talked about living with this person, yes they still want this to happen. They’re afraid of wasting their time. Take what resonates please.

Gemini 🌼🥀🌼🥀- **new person** - This new person wants to be more than friends (they want to be with you..they could act possessive). They could also be watching you online as well. They may have a hard time expressing emotions at times as well (they want to be with you, however they could have a jealousy problem). They could could be healing from past heartbreak as well. Aries, Taurus, water (Pisces, cancer and Scorpio) and air signs (Gemini, libra and Aquarius) are significant. For some, you could walk away eventually and move on. Someone may have to decide if they want to be with the other person. Take what resonates please.

**Old person** -Yes this person wants to be with you, however they could be taking their time to make a decision (yes this person want to be with you). Avoid 3rd party connections as well. Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius). are Aquarius are significant. Some of you may just have to move on because this person is inconsistent and lacks communication. Both of you may not talk to each other and go be in hermit old. Don’t miss out on a new love opportunity. Take what resonates please.

Cancer 🥀🌼🥀🌼- **New person** -Some of you could date someone who does construction. This person feels you’re lying about something (they feel you cheated). They also feel you’re not really into them. They feel your hold back your emotions..they could’ve had sleepless nights and could think you were talking to other people. It’s possible both of you could be together and work things out again. Take what resonates please.

**Old person** - Yes this person loves you and wants to be with you again (you could feel the same way about them). They could also focused more on their work/career. Be careful of talking to someone who plays too many games. Both of you could also be stalking each other. Take what resonates pleases

Leo 🌼🥀🌼🥀- **New person** -It’s possible both of you could start off rocky, however, yes this person still wants to be with you. Someone could be going through heartbreak from past relationship and now you’re more independent. Someone need to make a decision about wanting to still be single or these be in a relationship. Take what resonates please.

**Old person** -Form some, this person wants to to talk and wants to be with you again. Fire (Aries, leo and Sagittarius) and air signs (Gemini, libra and Aquarius) are significant. They could’ve been waiting for you to contact them first. Avoid 3rd party connections as well. It’s possible both of you could be in a relationship (might not last long). Take what resonates please.

Virgo 🥀🌼🥀🌼- **New person** -This person feel you could be walking away even though they like you (they’re hurt you would walk away). They could wonder if you’re still talking to an Ex. There’s lack of communication between you two. They could be self sabotaging this connection. They could also be drinking just to get you off their mind. This person also feels you could’ve been playin games as well. like. Take what resonates please.

**Old person** -Some of you could have a random dream about this person (yes they’re dreaming about you. They’re stressed this connection didn’t last long (it was on and off). They have fear you won’t give them another chance. Avoid 3rd party connections as well. It’s possible you and this person could talk again to make confessions. Small portion: confession could be liking both genders. This person could be jealous of you finding someone new. Take what resonates please.

Libra 🌼🥀🌼🥀- **new person** -Yes this person wants to be with you, however there could be inconsistency with communication. Distance could be an issue. Someone could be in single mode. It’s possible that someone could like both genders as well. Take what resonates please.

**Old person** -This person could be in their feelings that you left them out. If this person left you, now they’re starting to regret it. They could also work a lot just to not think of you. They feel this is a missed opportunity (they want to be with you again). They could be acting bitter towards you. Some of you will move on to find someone new. Take what resonates please.


Your blows my mind the power you have. You literally are the only reader who gets my story dead on. I'm cross watching for Libra and yes, he left me out of nowhere after acting like he wanted to be with me. And it definitely has me feeling like he needs to just stay tf out my way...not so much bitter but just aware that he's a snake


"They're worrying about everything, including the tea prices in China" lmao 😂 ... love you Tyler! ❤


Both Libra reads are hilarious. Because both are pulling my Ex Aquarius' energy. And I am so unbothered now. He reaped what he sowed. You play foolish games, you lose the prize. My whole focus is moving on with my life and enjoying my peace.🤷‍♀️


Great accurate reads. Thank you for reading on your vacation 💜💯👍🏾


Aries here. Taurus read for old person is goosebump scary accurate for me. It’s all true. Every word. I’m the FIRE sign wanting communication and waiting. Looking at phone as well. Everything u said how this FIRE sign feels/thoughts is true about my Taurus. Insane!! Thank you Tyler
