Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius

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Book summary: This book is a collection of ancient Greek and Latin texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, exploring esoteric wisdom, the nature of the divine, and the principles of the universe.

#Hermetic #AncientWisdom #Esoteric #Mystical #gnosticism #Occult #UniversalLaws #Metaphysics #Audiobook

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Summary: The Hermetica are a body of theological-philosophical texts written in late antiquity, but believed during the Renaissance (when they became well known) to be much older. Their supposed author, a mychical figure called Hermes Trismegistus, was thought to be a contemporary of Moses. The Hermetic philosophy was regarded as an ancient theology, parallel to the revealed wisdom of the Bible, supporting biblical revelation and culminating in the philosophy of Plato, Plotinus and others in the Platonic tradition. This new translation is the only English version based on reliable texts of the Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Ascepius. Professor Copenhaver's introduction and notes provide a context of interpretation taking into account recent advances in Hermetic schol-arship, making this accessible edition an indispensable resource to scholars in ancient philosophy and religion, early Christianity, Renaissance literature and history, the history of science, and the occultist tradition in which the Hermetica have become canonical texts.

Visit Patreon for the Preface and Introduction:

Symbols used in text:
Angled brackets ( ): insertion of a word or words
Square brackets [ ]: removal of a word or words
Pointed brackets { }: a word or words regarded as unintelligible or otherwise problematic
Ellipsis... : a lacuna or gap in the text

Special Abbreviations used in text:
C.H. = Corpus Hermeticum (book)
S.H. = Stobaei Hermetica / Hermetica II (book)
A.D. = Armenian Definitions
NHC = Nag Hammadi Codices (book)
PGM = Papyri Graecae Magicae (book)
LXX = Septuagint (book)
LSJ = A Greek-English Lexicon (book)
PW = Pauly-Wissowa (book)
OLD = Oxford Latin Dictionary (book)

00:00 - Master Key Society Introduction
02:25 - Corpus Hermeticum I
23:10 - Corpus Hermeticum II
35:26 - Corpus Hermeticum III
39:07 - Corpus Hermeticum IV
47:40 - Corpus Hermeticum V
58:25 - Corpus Hermeticum VI
1:05:29 - Corpus Hermeticum VII
1:07:47 - Corpus Hermeticum VIII
1:12:24 - Corpus Hermeticum IX
1:22:09 - Corpus Hermeticum X
1:43:28 - Corpus Hermeticum XI
2:03:05 - Corpus Hermeticum XII
2:22:07 - Corpus Hermeticum XIII
2:39:58 - Corpus Hermeticum XIV
2:47:39 - Corpus Hermeticum XVI
2:59:55 - Corpus Hermeticum XVII
3:01:14 - Corpus Hermeticum XVIII
3:13:00 - Asclepius

Text - Brian P. Copenhaver
Audio Narration - Adam Hanin


Published in 1992 under copyright by Cambridge University Press Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLS clear.

General Disclaimer:
The views and opinions expressed in this book belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect those of Master Key Society, nor its affiliates.
Рекомендации по теме

Hi Adam, if you are reading this, I wanted to say that your voice has been in my ear for at least two hours every day for the past months and I really enjoy it and I like to listen to any book you have read. Take care and wish you and your family the best.


There are a few channels with great literature that are let down by using AI narration. This is Not one of them.
Thank you for keeping it real.
Makes a big difference over extended listening periods. ✌🏻


When I first listened to this I paused it to come back later. A few more months of study and this took on a wildly different tone and meaning.
With great stillness, I say "wow"


Bless ALL who read this ❤. See you when you're still😊


Thanks, keep up the great work. This channel is a guiding light.


Oh my, this is such a HUGE gift to us all. I am beyond excited to listen to this multiple times. Thank you to everyone involved in making this available


YES!!! AT LAST! i've been waiting for this one.
Was wondering when you guys are gonna do the Hermetica.
Thank you so very much!


I've been waiting for a Master Key Society reading of this book. Thank you ❤


I just purchased this book last week, I will follow up my reading with listening to this


I own this translation, a wonderful book. Thanks for putting audio to it <3


Thank you for your comforting voice and no background music


My favorite channel. Always helps with stress


After listening to you read the Kybalion, I picked up Scott's Hermetica. I'm so glad you got round to this!

I suppose this version is closer to the original Greek, but I prefer how Scotts translation reads. So poetic

Big love to the master key society, your work is making me a better man



Mind. Mindfulness. Thought. Thoughtfulness.

These things aren't the same. Mindfulness is empty, present, and focused.

Thoughtfulness is full, distant, and fluctuating.

Both serve their purposes. Both are blessing. Both are curse. There are many misconceptions drawn from the Corpus Hermetica. And the one I see most often employed is confusing Mindfulness and Thoughtfulness.

One should recieve the words of hermatiscm mindfully. But one should put the words into practice Thoughtfully.


Ever since I've received the Master Key when receiving a spiritual awaking books like this are just wonderful.


This book requires a preparation of attention before dwelling into it, it can confuse you extremely


I thank you for this so positive in thought still a work in progress I'm here listening as a work of Divine order


Once again with the iconic beginning :) Thanks!


Oh thank God this one has a normal voice no weird reverb or spooky voices thank you


liked before ive even listened ❤ Thank you as always xx
