Bungie just NUKED the Destiny 2 PvP META with This Update...

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New Destiny 2 News with the new TWAB (TWID) on Mar 6! We have New Nerfs to the Top of the PvP META! Redrix's Estoc Nerf, On the Prowl Nerf, & MORE! We also have more info on the Episode Heresy Act 2, Guardian Games 2025, and MORE!

New #destiny2 video, going over the New Destiny 2 News in the Latest TWAB (This week at Bungie) or TWID (This Week in Destiny) for March 6th, during Episode Heresy Act 1! after the new Destiny 2: Final Shape DLC is here! It provides a new campaign, new weapons, new exotic quests, and so much more! We also have a New Final Shape Raid, as well as New Subclasses! The Prismatic Titan, Prismatic Hunter, and Prismatic Warlock! Play these within the new Pale Heart Destination!
The new Destiny 2: Episode 2 Revenant Act 3 is over!
The new Destiny 2: Episode 3 Heresy Act 1 is Live! We already have the new Nether Activity, New Heresy Weapons, as well as the new Sundered Doctrine Dungeon. We also have New Episode Heresy Seasonal Artifact Perks! As well as an Updated Vault of Glass Raid, where you can Craft Vault of Glass Raid Weapons! And the incredible Destiny 2 Star Wars Collab!
But today we're going over the useful info over the past week, and all the new Destiny 2 News! We had the Episode Heresy Act 2 Developer Livestream! And bungie went over more info on Guardian Games 2025! We also got some really important PvP Nerfs to the Best PvP Weapon and Best PvP Build right now!
#Destiny2News #Destiny2Heresy
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Last week they came for the PvE DPS META... and now they've come for the Top of the PvP META 💀


Timestamp if you wanna see what changed in PvP


Someone needs to nerf this man's intros


Man that titan ornament is looking clean, glad i saved some dust from the previous episodes... great things to look for on this update!!


bruh i never die to a hunter smoke i always die to damn stasis turrets nerf those ffs cant do shit in pvp when your enemy freezes you in place every time you get a push going


So the one thing void hunters could do, which was actually have the smokebomb mean something, no longer means anything????

Like are we supposed to just not use void? They already hurt us by making void the only subclass with ONLY ONE MELEE ABILITY and now theyre taking away the only pvp utility it had other than making the screen darken? (You know, the one ability destiny cant get right since blinding abilities dont break aim assist tracking)

Like can we not just keep one thing? Yes, its annoying to be hit with that ability when it hurts jump height and allat, but like.... So is every other ability. Should we nuke ignition size and burn damage, and take out jolt distance and damage too???? Like.... Try buffing other things that are lacking rather than just nerfing everything under the sun the moment a hunter uses it.


Bungie: Titans barricade+volt charge and warlocks with their toxic double lightning surge are oppressive in pvp, what should we do?!
Also Bungie: i know, why don't we Nerf hunters again for the sixth time in a row, that'll fix it.
At this point why not just make himters play without abilitys or supers 😂


I hate PVP. Seriously. I much prefer PVE. As a disabled person I wish they had story mode for the campaigns too. Would make it easier to enjoy the story while killing aliens. Maybe you can influence Bungi to consider it.


I assure you new titan aspect is surely not op in pvp


Its simple, if it's a meta then there must be a reason why sooo many players are using it (weapons and classes), it only means one thing, its op. Complain about all the nerfs you want but the data does not lie.


Bungie indirectly nerfed the worst melee (hunter void melee) with this one, but Titans and warlocks can hit me from a planets distance. Make it make sense


bro they needed to just ban bolt charge in pvp that’s it😂


By that logic all hand cannons need a nerf


I think it was popularity and not power that made that pulse extremely used. Anytime the majority of pvp players use a weapon, obviously, it's gonna get kills. That nerf was unneeded.


make somthing fun...then take it away....make somthing fun...then take it away, its the bungie way and id be shocked if anyones actually surprised by this.


PvP separated by class? Hunter getting cooked by Warlock and those damn Titans. Imagine 3-4 Titans go around the map, just punch everyone in the face and there is nothing the other can do. And you know what, Hunter just started being good and got nefted right away, while titan is still able to one-punch everyone. I'm sick of watching Titans throw their gun away, just charge forward and punch me.


I'm actually excited for the Titan armor for the G Games. Very Gladiator much need


so what the they made useless the smoke


If that rocket sidearm can get repulser and destabilizing, I’m gonna grind my ass off next week.


So tired of Bungie nerfing guns that can compete with HC's. You can get 2 shot by those but o no, we can't have a competitive weapon for all the people who hate hc's like most people on console.
