The Dumbest Megaprojects in the World

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These are the Dumbest Megaprojects in the World! In this video, we go over Germany's Berlin Brandenburg Airport, Japan's Most Useless Megaproject, and the Demolition of two massive Skyscrapers! For more skyscraper & megaproject content be sure to subscribe to Top Luxury. Thanks for watching this video: The Dumbest Megaprojects in the World

Check Out These Videos:
Most Useless Megaprojects in the World

Most Expensive Construction Mistakes in the World

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#megaprojects #construction #demolition

0:00 The Dumbest Megaprojects in the World
0:30 Germany's Worst Construction Project
4:53 The Most Useless Power Plant Ever Constructed
9:28 The Demolition of India’s Twin Towers

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Which of these megaproject stories did you like the most? 😄Do you know of other failed construction projects? 😅


My favourite dumb project is Austria building a nuclear reactor in the 80s before putting nulear energy to a public vote and it getting denieb by like 51 to 49% of votes, so they have a fully working unfueld nuclear reactor that is now used for concerts, events and even conventions


9 meters from an inhabited residential building structure?!?! That demolition team should be the focus of this video! Can you imagine the explosion engineers anxiety levels???


Little extra about Berlin-Brandburg: The had Ghosttrains driving trough the airport constantly using immeasurable amounts of energy and manpower for years to avoid funghi growth by adding to the airflow within the stations x)


I'm not sure how voluntary that voluntary demolition was, given the 9 year court battle to prevent it


$8bn for of an hour of energy, well at least they're in the Guinness Book of Records now. 😂


I feel sorry for the crew running around a "new" airport trying to figure out why the hell the fire alarms are triggering in wrong sections.


The thing with the running TVs was rather interesting to me because it touched on the field of tech support I was working on at the time.
The main problem was that those were (despite what news agencies titled them) not what normal users understand as a normal TV. Rather they were single-purpose, 24/7, 365 high-visibility panels meant for a permanent display of flight schedules to be seen halfway across the terminal. They are never intended to be turned off, and once integrated into the power network it's pretty much done.
So after those 5 years, they pretty much had reached the end of their natural life cycle. Not out of negligence, but simply because they had done their job and no one had been there to see it.


The Indian tower demolition was a great deal (idk why ) broadcasted the demolition for a whole day, with slow-mo and even time lapse effects !! 😶🙂


I can still remember 2011 when they first tried to open than Airport. The entire city was full of massive advertising posters. It was a huge media campaign. The people responsible tried to sweep their failure under the rug literally right to the moment when it was impossible to hide it anymore.


The Noida towers debacle doesn't even come remotely close to the other two in cost or scale. And there are hundreds more worse across the world :/


I wonder if the guys building Stonehenge had the same problem with their project - "look guys this has taken to much time already, time to move on".


I can't wait for "The Line" to be here or most Arab projects


Those twin tower demolition was a field day for the media...


Neom - The Line will go down in history as the greatest mega project to fail. 👍🤦🏻‍♂️


"Voluntarily demolished". After 9 years of court battles.


Sorry to tell you that Tempelhof and Schönefeld are misspelled in your Berlin map.


I visited the Vajont Dam in the Dolomite Alps, north of Venice, this past summer. I had read about the horrific landslide and resulting 820'' high tsunami that overtopped the dam in October, 1963, destroying two villages downstream and killing over 2, 000 people. The builders chose a very narrow part of the canyon and built the world's tallest dam, @ 860' The locals warned the engineers that the adjacent Mount Toc was noted for landslides. The work was completed and the reservoir was filled in 1961. Smaller landslides began, and SADE, the Italian Power Authority lowered the water height by about 100'. Cracks in the deep cliffs grew wider, and suddenly, late at night, October 9, 1963, 50, 000, 000 cubic meters tore off the mountain at 65 miles-per-hour and plunged into the lake, hurtling its contents over the crest. The dam remains, with all of its upper structure sheared off, accessible via a tourist catwalk. Once I had arrived, I walked down the steep trail to the upstream face of the dam, rearing about 100 feet above me. It was an eerie and profound experience, realizing that I was standing on 650' of landslide debris. I touched the wall and bowed my head to mourn the thousands killed. There are a number of interesting YouTube uploads, including two hiking/climbing expeditions to reach the bottom of the downstream face (a little too strenuous for me). There is an important message, carved into the entrance of the University of Wyoming Engineering Building- "Strive On- The Control of Nature Is Won, Not Given". Good advice.


The most useless powerplant is Zwentendorf Nuclear Powerplant in Austria. It was completed but never went online.


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