RV Driving Tips ~ Grades, Gears & Brakes

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Today we are driving down Highway 395 and sharing RV driving tips for grades, gears and brakes. Going down hills in a heaving RV can be nerve racking experience, but with a few tips you can ensure a safe road trip.

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Excellent explanation of the proper 'braking' technique on the Ford F53 chassis with the V-10 and 4 speed (OD) Automatic transmission. That is exactly the way I have always driven my '04 Fleetwood Flair 34' class A (same drivetrain and Disc brakes) when I encounter hilly terrain. My rule of thumb is to ascend and descend the grades at the same safe speed, both up and down, regardless of what the posted speed limit may be. Stay in the SLOW lane with emergency lights flashing. Using the engine as a brake and scrubbing off excess speed in one big quick maneuver stops brake glazing and heat build-up. The V-10 was specifically designed for this type of high-revving to help control vehicle speed safely for the engine. Everyone needs to stop trying to maintain the posted speed limit in long hilly situations, slow down the ascent and descent and stay within the vehicle tolerances from the manufacturer and you'll be safe. Well done video buddy!


Great advice on driving down steep grades. I love that Champion I've done a few videos on them myself. Can't wait to hear your thoughts after you put this new one through its paces.


Moved from that area about 9 months ago ... miss it like a root canal. All thr best!


I am a new RV owner and have been really enjoying your vids. good stuff!


Another great video, lots of good advice for those starting out.


The TOW/HAUL button - even though you may not have a trailer, will assist by downshifting when you tap the break thus allowing the transmission to help slow you down.


I've never traveled in a motorhome...didn't realize it got so hot while traveling in one.  Bless


I pull a 18ft trailer behind my Grand Cherokee. For both uphill and downhill, 3% TO 6% grades, I downshift my automatic to second gear and set the cruise control to 50 MPH which is 3, 500 rpm. It seems to hold that without any breaking.

When I was a kid, back in the 60's, I was riding in the back of a pickup with 10 other kids going down the backside of the LA Grapevine hill when the driver pulled into the gravel runaway lane. We let the brakes cool down and the 11 of us just muscled the pickup and the small trailer full of our camping stuff out of the gravel pit and were back on the road. It's amazing how you can do such things when you're 17 years old!


That was the perfect amount of driving to good advise. Thanks!


Wish me luck, first time driving an RV out west!


Oh how I love your old Nelly videos!!! I still reference them when I need advice. Thanks guys❤


Learned something new. I've never heard/seen a runaway ramp!

As for the dogs you can get them chill pillows to lay on and cool jackets to wear. A cool jacket is made either out of terry cloth or shammy cloth. They are made to be warn like a winter coat for dogs only you wet these down and squeeze out the excess water. Chill pillows first started as an office aid to help reduce the swelling in the hands of computer operators. They are approximately an incentive thick and come in different sizes. They hold water and are suppose be cooler than the air around it. I first got one to help with my migraines but soon realized they were great at keeping my show dogs cool on hot days, now I see them in pet stores. When I was showing dogs they would stand on the pillow while waiting to go into the ring. I would also lay a cool jacket across their back before and after showing . This was the only thing that helped when l was showing in 95-110 degree 100 percent humidity. They say you don't need to put the chill pillow in the refrigerator but I do along with the shimmies when they are not in use. I just saw chill pillows on sale last week at PetCo. A spray bottle works ok. If all else fails put them in a pan of water!


I actually just yesterday loss my brakes coming down a mountain on the NC GA border. Coming down the mountain there was no brakes. I was a truck driver in the army and civilian life. Before panicking remember 75% of the time pumping the brakes will slow you down. It's a very scary situation.


Another thing to keep in mind if you've just gone done a hill and theirs a stoplight at the bottom let the vehicle roll slowly to avoid warping rotors. I race cars and one time I had to come to a stop immediately on track because I blew a oil line and not only did I loose the engine the rotors cracked from the heat without airflow under the caliper to cool them off. Unfortunately my rotors are custom made and cost $300 a corner.


wow, nice seeing you come down the 395 close to my town, as I have been watching your channel for awhile, keep up the great videos


When descending steep winding roads where you are on and off brakes for constant switchbacks consider stopping once or twice on the way down and take a 10 minute break while your brakes, rotors and wheels cool off. Finish your coffee, have a bite to eat, walk the dog and save yourself $600.


I loved Chris Cornell!! One of the best rockers ever!


On downgrades I was taught to down shift and let the engine help. My uncle was a cross-country trucker who said he never touched the break unless stopping at a light or stop sign. I almost had to use a runaway ramp in PA pulling a 34 ft camper once.


In L.A., the gas at Costco is 10 to 20 cents per gallon cheaper than anywhere else (that's way more than 50 cents per tank). Since we pay more for gas than a lot of the nation and drive so much, that savings is worth the wait (though I try to go early in the morning before 9 am to avoid the lines). :-)


I wished I had been current on your channel, I'm near Fontana and would have come down to meet you. I really enjoy your channel. We're trying to sell our place in running Springs and go full time in the motorhome till I find a new place near Sandpoint Idaho.