What Makes Jesus UNIQUE Amongst The Sons of God?

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The fundamental question of the New Testament is the declaration that Jesus is the Son of God. But we also have all these other sons of God in the Old Testament who are spiritual beings. Like, how can that be? How does that work? Check it out!
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Please God, bring back Jesus to set the truth. there is way too much confusion in this world.


I can’t get enough of Dr. Heiser’s teaching. God’s Word is so rich. It’s simple enough for anyone to understand salvation, but deep enough that we will never plumb its riches.


Mike, after 33 years as a reborn Christian, bible school, envagelist and church planter, your teachings have changed my life and the understanding of the scriptures and God has opened my spirit to another level, thank you


Thanks, Dr. Mike. I usually stop whatever I'm doing and watch these video shorts as they are published.


Then how do you explain Yahweh and Yeshuah being with each other in Revelation 3-5?


Amen! "No one can say Jesus is LORD, except by the Holy Spirit." and "every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that he is LORD, to the glory of God the Father".


I have all the books you have published so far, Dr. Heiser. Great reads. Truly mind opening, but then again that is what I would expect to have during the times of the end. God always provides for his people.


You make great videos. This is good, too, but I don't agree that Jesus is Yahweh. Partly out of my fear of the God of Abraham and violating His first commandment: Exodus 20:2
“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
3You shall have no other gods before Me."a

That little "a" at the end is a footnote for "Besides Me." Calling Jesus God would violate this commandment. And he didn't say "We." I don't mind being called a Jehovah's witness. (They got not keeping pagan holidays right.) The path is narrow and I am searching for it. The fewer on the path as I travel is probably a good sign. I just have to stay on the path. The Commandments is our map. The Holy Spirit is our guide.

Several times God has revealed His presence or spoken to my heart. Here is an example of one of those times. It is little but true story that happened to me this year. I fear violating His law so draw your own conclusions keeping in mind that you should be on guard so nobody deceives you. I pray that I don't mislead anyone intentionally or unintentionally when it comes to God's word.

I was driving home one afternoon listening to the radio. Tom Petty was on followed by Lynyrd Skynyrd. What do they have in common? Florida. I thought that was interesting. As I was driving I saw an old man with a long white beard on the right side of the road. There were bikes and bike trailers around and another person I didn't notice until later. They were obviously homeless. I try to keep some food and water in my car for the homeless. I passed by then thought I should turn around and give them some food. So, I turned right and turned right and turned right. I passed by some apartments...something Florida Apartments. I laughed thinking that yep, He is talking to me again. Well, it turned out I was on West Florida Avenue. Ok. It's on. Something is up. I got back onto Wadsworth and got to where the men were. The old man was gone but his things were still there but there was a young man with a bike that he fitted with a small engine and gas tank. I think his name was Brian. I got the food and some water bottles out and asked him to give it to the old man. He said he was homeless, too so I gave him the same amount. By "Chance" he was 33. He said he is from Colorado but he just got back from...Florida. I laughed again, pointed up and said, "He does this to me." I briefly explained what had happened so far. He was a smart young man that used to work construction fitting windows into highrise buildings. He mentioned that his favorite place in the world was West Palm Beach Florida. He said it is rough but he likes it. We spoke some more then I went home. That night I watched a video that was just posted from a Brother. He entitled it, "Jesus is Yahweh." His ministry is in Florida. I started to explain in comments how Jesus spoke about his Father in Heaven and that he was afraid before being crucified ("take this cup ..." Why would God be afraid?) and that it would make no sense for Satan to try to tempt Yahweh because they know each other and how can Satan offer God anything on this earth when the earth is His? Even Satan referred to Jesus as the son of God (I know, it was a question.) God even said that He is not a son of man that He miight change His mind - Numbers 23:19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind."
God also spoke from heaven in the presence of Jesus. The example I grabbed was John 12:27
"Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? No, it is for this purpose that I have come to this hour. 28Father, glorify Your name!”

Then a voice came from heaven: “I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.”

I didn't realize it until I found that text but Jesus changed his mind on this example! I don't believe in Coincidences anymore.
I also said that we all felt the anguish when God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. A sacrifice means to lose something cherished or of value. What sacrifice is it to sacrifice yourself? Most parents would gladly step in front of a bus to safe their child. But to put your child in the path of the bus for another. That is a sacrifice. One our Jewish Brothers did not and do not see in front of their eyes and feel in their hearts. There is lots of foreshadowing in the bible
And as I was typing the examples in the video comment I wondered where in Florida the man who made the video was. I looked it up. West Palm Beach. The favorite city of Brian.
I have an AM radio in my bathroom set on a Christian station. It is low but I could hear it from the couch where I am now in the living room. As I was finishing up my comments that night a woman on the radio was quoting Christ saying the words he spoke were not his own. I think it was John 14:10 "The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me." So if the words are not the words of Jesus but of the Father how can Jesus be God? When Thomas said, "My Lord and My God" it was probably as Jesus said because God lives in him. The spirit descended and stayed upon him...? I know there are some scriptures that say Jesus is God but who said them? Do we understand them? If only the Father knows when the day that Jesus will returns is, then how can Jesus be a God? Gods know everything, right?

Anyway, thank you for your videos. I am not educated in the Word but I seek the truth with fear and trembling. I am not sure of my salvation because I am not perfect and I don't know how much grace we will be given. Moses didn't get much. If I'm not lying what would be the chances of Florida popping up like this within 24 hours?
Blessings to All who love The God of Abraham in the name of His son.


Where is the cover art from? It looks really awesome!


Why is Jesus "the Son of God, " should've been it. If you read ΥΣΙΣ this as Yesus, then you're working correctly! If you know how YHWH, and IEYE are the same, then you're super smart, and know youre OTIOTS and no one can ever call you an ... The Tetragrammaton is why Jesus is the Son of God. Why is ΥΣΙΣ more unique than Coffee? You can speak to him! Java! Well, you said answer at the first, that was pretty chilling, I'm over here in jitter signage.


Jehovah's Witnesses and Iglesia ni Cristo of Manalo left the group


smh the blatant stupidity. HOW in the world does Son of GOD translate into Almighty GOD?


Thank you Dr. Mike, your videos are so clear and to the point. You proof and confirm what we are supposed believe without any proof (the unseen reality), because of the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Thank you for being obedient.
Your teachings are clear and precise.
May you and your loved ones be blessed in abundance.


You mean CATHOLIC TRINITY theology. If Yeshua is not the Son of God then God is a liar. The covenant promise of both Abraham and David found in 2nd Samuel chapter 7 is either true or it's not.
"This is my Son with whom I am well pleased" is not debatable. Stop with the man made philosophy. It did not work for the Pharisees, and it won't work for you. No where in scripture is it written
that Jesus is God. However it is written that God is not a man several times. Nor can God be tempted. Let God be true... and every man a liar!

Lawyers play with language in order to make an innocent man seem guilty and a guilty man seem innocent, and so does the devil who loves to dress himself up like an angel of light. The philosophy of men is an abomination to Yahovah God. Be very
carful... you're playing with fire.


Interesting but how do you get from Jesus being a special/unique son of God to Jesus being YHWH ?


I Just can't really comprehend how all these so called "erudites" or doctors regarding the scriptures, these wise guys who spend years reading the bible keep blaspheming against both, God Almighty and His Son, Christ Jesus. No Wonder the whole cristemdom and their followers are misled over and over again. I know that this is a subject so Long to discuss but in a few words and passages, what happened with Deuteronomy 6:4-6, isaiah 43 or John 14:28 and even john 20:17?.. In what moment of history these important statements were changed or even replaced for these new ideas or modern concepts..🤦‍♂️. Remember, these means everlasting life said Jesus...John 17:3..👊


I never get tired of hearing Dr. Heiser make things so easy to understand.


God is not the son of anyone. There are not 2 Yahwehs only ONE. How people disregard all of scripture that plainly shows God is not a triune being and that Jesus HAS a God and his God is the one and only true God Yahweh, and then reject it all for a man made invention of a triune being and that Jesus actually is God.
All these pastors are teaching the same lie that they have been made to accept.


Makes no sense. So amongst all the other sons of God, Jesus being one of them is unique because he’s Yahweh? .. yet he’s his own son..?
