200 Year Old Haunting In Tennessee - Boogeymen - The Bell Witch

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What is it about sleepy Adams, Tennessee, that attracts tourists eager to visit graveyards, haunted caves and cabins, swap scary stories and try to summon the spirits of the dead? The legend of the Bell Witch and a 200-year old haunting are they key.

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I live in Robertson county just down the road from Adams it's a quiet cute little town where things move at a slower pace. I love it unlike the other outlying suburbs of Nashville where it's overcrowded and fast paced this place has stayed the same.


I went to the Bell Witch cave in 2009 or 2010. I've heard the story my whole life as my family lived in Robertson County when I was a small child. So I was very excited to stop off in Addams. Well as we are going in the cave, the tour guide is giving us her whole schpeel about happenings people have experienced in the cave. This ranged from strange sightings, orbs and things showing up in pictures, and even cameras and equipment malfunctioning. As she is telling this, my boyfriend's(at the time) little sister looks at me and says 'That b**** better not do anything to my camera!' I kinda chuckled and we followed the tour guide in. (Even if you are a non believer, this cave is worth as visit as you can see old Native American drawings on the walls and places were Natives had originally been laid to rest. A camera in completely necessary if you are into history. ) So we walk through water to get into the first interior room of the cave. My friend and I turn on our cameras to take pictures. I'm taking pics left and right when I hear my friend fussing. Her camera screen was frozen. She kept fiddling with it trying to fix it. As we were completing the tour, her camera was still frozen. Even with removing the batteries and putting them back I'm. When the camera came on it was still frozen like it was when she tried to take her first pic. She accepts that her camera is broken, we visit the Bell House replica, the gift ship, and we head out on our way. As we were riding home in the car my friend was talking about how unfortunate it was she didn't get any pictures. Right as soon as we drove out of Robertson County, her camera shuts itself off and the zoom lense went back into the camera. She turned the camera on and it worked perfectly like there was never anything wrong with it. I have been a believer since childhood but my friend was a skeptic. Pretty sure we gained a new believer that day.


Very cool information. Does sound like an appealing place to visit. Thank you!


I used to live in Nashville & Memphis, Tn...working in the Music Industry for United Artists Records and also Music Publishing companies...Tennessee is extremely beautiful state, and there are hauntings still going on. But it all about Country Music and having a beer! Memphis was more fun, because I love the blues & Jazz, and the BBQ is yummy! And it's right on the river. Tennessee is somewhat backward in a way, if you ever grew up in Palm Beach or NYC (like I did). Tennessee is filled with Baptists. I'm a Metaphysical teacher/psychic..and a Spiritualist. I'm sure it's gotten more open minded & progressive than when I lived there years ago in 1970's. But they always had good fried chicken & some of the best BBQ ever! I knew a lot of famous Nashville Singers; ie: Crystal Gayle, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rodgers, Scotty Turner (producer), etc..and it was truly an honor to know them.


He dreams of where folk are buried.Creepy. Great upload...thanks. sjlondonengland


The stories that involves the weird animal encounters make me think of Skinwalkers.


i've seen a lot on the Bell haunting. first time hearing of a cave...


Was the cabin a slave cabin? Where are the pictures and accounts of the enslaved people in the property? I didn’t see any references with exception of the wood carvings of Ms Bell moving off of the property, and the museum proprietor mentioning the slaves given in the owner’s will.


Grew up in Robertson County a direct descendant of Thomas Kilgore, first white man in the county. (Plenty of Cherokees lived there) My mother used to scare us telling tales of the Bell Witch, to keep us in bed. Tennessee and the South in general is rather more religious than other regions in the USA.. Where you have belief in angels you'll find belief in demons. I've been to the Bell Witch cave and the Bell cemetery, everything Bell Witch is massively profitable for the county. My family had a copy of the Ingram book, a lot of families did. Even as a kid I didn't find it plausible, but as the gentleman said, very well written. As to the existence of the supernatural, I'll hedge my bets. because who truly knows.


Tennessee looks like a quiet place to live . Has lot of history.


Tennessee is a very haunted state. So much history is associated both good and bad here in Tennessee. I haven't been to the locations myself but know people who have done paranormal investigations and say it gets pretty weird at night at the known locations. The capital has some eerie rooms in it.


I want to see a focused and well lit video or photo. With all the camers & technology we should have some by now. We can see light years into outer space & look into the smallest atoms but spirits that thousands have seen we can't get it on film, smh. I want to see one already.


John Bell was my seventh great grandfather ancestor.


Why give these random people so much time to just call the bell family liars


I have an inkling that this story is true, but not for the reasons most might think. Addams is a very old town. It is entirely possible that it could be haunted, but because of the mythos of the Bell Witch, everything paranormal in the town has just been attributed to it. Plus, it draws the tourists in.

Just a theory.


It’s maybe the most sacred spot of the Goddess in TN. Who can return the cave and the Bell property in Adams to the indigenous people?


I live 50 miles away from the bell witch cave


Who else used to buy dirty magic at Schwabs Drugstore on Beale St?? Lol ❤❤❤❤❤


I suffer from sleep apnea and often suffer night terrors, I live in a new building, but throughout my entire life, I've had the sensation of being pulled out of bed and finding myself on the floor. I wake up after being hit and see demonic figures running around my room.

I hear the sound of footsteps running up and down the stairs; I hear screaming and people shouting at me so vividly that it wakes me up. I don't believe in ghosts all of this is well documented medically and physiologically; plus, because it's been a long-term theme in my life, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. The father was ill the daughter was young and impressionable; it doesn't take a genius to work out. It all relates to mental health.


*It would help in understanding the subject if folks first understand that:*

1. Souls are Energy and we each are Soul Energy infused into a Physical/Body Vessel, and we are here to experience the Physical, with our 5 senses, a Human Journey.

2. The Universe we inhabit is a Flow of Positive Energies, in our 3D World we live in a Polarized, a (+) and (-) scenario. We truly have "Free Will", we have and make Choices.

🔹 Understanding these points, there is far more Positive Energy flowing, far more Positive available, and thus we are surrounded by Positive Energy.

3. The understanding of our reality 8s best explained by understanding the *"Universal Laws", most particularly the "Universal Law of Attraction".*

Nicola Tesla, credited with being the most intelligent Quantum Physicist of the 20th Century, and Tesla stated: *"If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of: Energy, Vibration, and Frequency"*

This is defined in the "Universal Law of Attraction " which states:
(Thought must precede all that manifests into material matter in this 3D Reality. Thus, it 1st requires Thought)

Note: this Law proves to me that, "the *"Bang came 2nd"!*

Now, with this idea in mind, the "Universal Law of Attraction " is further the defining of:
*"How we each actually create our Own Individual Reality":*

This is understood by:
*"Thoughts + Feelings X Beliefs"*
*= Our Reality"*

Thoughts are Energy
Feelings are a Concentrated Energy
Beliefs are the Confirming stamp that is the Weight, so to speak, that sets that energy upon it's Vibrational Measure, ie: Frequency.

Frequency is the measure 8f the Energy, as a scale from neutral to High, Neutral to Low, like a Thermometer, and 0 would be the midpoint between High and Low, or it's Neutral Factor.

*High Vibrational Energies are directly related to our Higher Mind, aka Mature Mind, which holds all Positive Thought Energies:. Love, Joy, Laughter, Creative, Passions, Wellbeing, Music/Dancing, all that encompasses Positive.*

The Highest Vibrational Frequency is Love, (the lowest 8s fear.)

The Lower Mind, aka Ego Mind, aka Adolescent Mind, hold all the negative thought energies: (fear, prejudices, Judgemental, jealousy, gossip, envy, hate, the Lackings: lack of Self worth, self confidence, self esteem, self value, etc, all representing the thought energies associated with the Lower Mind Thoughts.)

When this is understood, comprehended, then it can be realized that:
*"Energies and their Frequency "attract like Energies/frequencies".*

Thus the *"Law of Attraction"*

Now, One can understand: "How the *focus* of "Thoughts/Feelings and Belief" on a subject literally creates more of that subjects energies, expands the subject, brings the subject to one by the Attraction of like energy.

When there's something undesirable, it would be advised to "not focus 9n that subject, no chronic attention and discussion on the subject.".
.You would be creating more of the subject, adding energy to it, and *"This is exactly what most do whom have not discovered the Knowledge, or haven't fully learned the "Law 9f Attraction".

It would seem obvious that this understanding of this Universal Law be taught to all, taught early in life, and a practice of: *"being Conscious in Thought" + *"Applying Higher Mind"* such that all are having a more Positive, Mature Minded, experience. In an Established in a Harmony, Wellbeing, and thus offering the same towards the Collective Experiences of the whole.

9ne would think ...

Yeshua/Jesus was teaching from the foundation of this "Law of Attraction", in a number of his referenced directions in the Biblical and Gnostic Texts, the subject is most evident.

However, then or now, those whom are 8n the Power Positions, be they Political or Elite Financial, know that "a Public of Individuals operating through/from their Lower Mind, are easily influenced, manipulated, herded towards an agenda, because they are 8nfluenced in the fear based 8deas.

It isn't a Theory when the subject is fact, it isn't a stretch to comprehend the facts, when one is preoccupied with a fear, a desire to push for what they think will protect them, or struggle against what they fear will take something from them.

It is most simple, most elementary, it is a matter of knowing the fact of how we behave and knowing what we are apt to create.

I've always seen the *"Universal Law of Attraction"* as the Key to our more desired Journey experiencings, as the greater part of the Divine Design.

The "Universal Law of Attraction" is Absolute, few things in our reality and life can be said to be absolute, but this is and it is Quantum Physics Science defined.

It is fact and it 8s how one can create any thing and that can be either Positive or negative, remove the Fear, remove the negatives.

Beth Bartlett
and Historian
Tennessee, USA
(NW Tennessee, the other side of the State, by the Mississippi River)
