Would I Buy It Again?! (My 3 Year Ford F250 Review)

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Today we're answering your question about whether or not I would buy a Ford F250 all over again, and giving a 3 year review of our work truck. I have gotten a ton of folks asking to share some updates on the truck now that we've had it for a little while and share how it's held up.

I tried to answer as many questions as I could regarding the truck that were submitted from you guys on Instagram. I tried to cover the popular questions like "gas vs diesel", "Lariat vs WT", "Ford vs another brand", so on and so forth.

Let me know if this 3 year review helped you guys out at all with helping you make your next truck purchase. I gotta say, I'm incredibly happy with the truck and I don't really think there's anything I'd change about it. It has honestly been a great work horse and hasn't had any major issues so far, knock on wood!

Don’t forget to check out Part 2! 20 more questions you asked on the F250!

Thanks for watching!

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Dang 3 years have flown by who here remembers the old F-150


Hope you guys enjoyed the video and it helps you guys when deciding to buy your new truck! I know a ton of you will be upgrading in 2021, this is just my "honest" ;) review of my F250! God bless!

Edit: don’t forget to check out Part 2!


The water in the door is supposed to happen, it’s a drain field to keep water from leaking into the cab. If it leaks like that it is clogged, take an air compressor and blow it through the holes. That’s what the dealer would do.


Holy moly. 3 years? I remember when I watched that video when you bought it the day you posted


Guess what, I gave up Landscaping to go be an accountant. Result - lost my job due to Covid = f*** it, back to Landscaping with a renewed vengeance! I'm Scottish, so don't know anything about trucks, but always enjoy your videos.


some basic tips for keeping your truck out of the shop..
1. with most vehicles shipping from the factory with synthetic oil. change it every 5, 000, if you idle a lot change it every 3, 000. also pay extra for the nicer oil filters, i run the purolator boss filter(advance auto). before every oil change put a bottle of lucas oil fuel system cleaner.

2. rotate your tires EVERY oil change, you can prolong the life of your tires 5, 000+ miles by doing this. i run the tires in my 08 ranger at 40 pounds. every application is different but always run a few ponds higher than oem spec, lawn care guys are running heavier having a higher pressure in a tire will keep the tire from over heating. so be prepared when you go to tire shops wanting higher pressures they will fight you. every operation is different so find what works best for you. also find a tire store that runs nitrogen, with nitrogen if you get a nail, or road trash in your tire(s) they don’t go flat within a hour.

3. if you pull heavy on the regular like brian does cage your fuel filter every year in spring, & spin money on the good spark plugs i run NGK.

now a lot of people will disagree with this but, at the end of winter every year change the trans fluid (if you pull heavy very day 10-12 hours a day). drop the pan, clean it out, change the filter, fill from the top. when you do this start your truck let idle for 15 minutes, then apply brakes shift to each gear (DO NOT DRIVE YET) hold in each gear for 3 minutes this allows the ban to apply the clutch, & gets trans fluid to hat part of the transmission. after this let your truck idle for another 10 minutes, now take it on a 30 mile drive. DO NOT LET A DEALER run the trans fluid through a machine some models the transmission will grenade if this is done.

finally if you buy a new truck at 800 miles drop the oil, & trans fluid changes all filters including fuel. hauling automotive parts for the last few years the quality control isn’t there, because they are “slapping” things together. the older generation that took pride in building these components have been pushed out. plus some of these vehicles sit for 4-8 months in a storage lot before a dealer may take delivery of them. it’s a small price to pay but if you do have a warranty issue and do what i mentioned above it’s going to be pretty hard for them to deny the warranty claim. keep ALL maintenance records, have them organized in order by date, folder them by each year quarterly, example 2nd quarter 2020, 3rd quarter 2020. you walk into a dealer, with your maintenance records by a yearly quarter will them neat, & organized they will not fuck with you (lack of better term). if y’all need more detail from what i wrote here, just reach out.


In regard to diesel vs gas, it’s important to remember that when a modern diesel truck goes into the shop, you usually aren’t leaving without paying a few thousand dollars. Most modern diesel trucks regularly require body off frame repairs and that’s gets really expensive.


Great video on a great pickup. The 7.3 liter Godzilla is the best way to go now. It can be supercharged to outrageous horsepower levels. I've had Ford pickups since 1974. They're excellent trucks well worth the money.


Great video, Brian! I’ve ran a 2500 Dodge gas for the past four years. I bought that over a 1500 for the added “beefiness” of the frame and better brakes for hauling bigger loads. I’ve been happy with it and for hauling equipment to landscape jobs, it’s nice to have the better stopping power.


The problem with a Diesel engine is the cost of repair. My RAM is almost 18 years old and in the past year I had to spend $10, 000 in total repairs which includes both engine and suspension. It was worth it because I spend 250-500 miles per day on the road working my inspection business. Cummins engines are well worth it if you plan on keeping your truck for years and years.


where the diesel comes in handy is like louisville, ky there’s a ton of rollers, & steep short inclines. but where brian is at in michigan, i mean it’s pretty flat up there. plus on this generation of super duty the powerstroke was only getting 12-15 mph. that’s why ford did a redesign for 2020 too improve on this new turbo, injectors, & the 10 speed. let me tell you if brian is getting 14 mpg out of the 6.2 that’s the best number i’ve herd, & i live 4 miles from the ford truck plant. i talk to the engineers all the time at the gas station across from the plant.


I’m 18 and my first truck was a 2005 Silverado 1500 with the smaller v8 and it was great for mowing and mulch jobs.... and I graduated high school in it and then I bought a 2003 Silverado 2500hd gas and a fisher plow and now I’ve got a year round income. I love the heavy duty trucks way better


My experience and thoughts for any owner/operator thinking of a new Ford superduty: I bought mine with the diesel 3 years ago and for the first year or two really did enjoy it. 2017, brand new, 6.7L F250 SuperCab/XLT. However since they've come out with the 7.3L gas option I've been leaning more towards that for a future truck. The diesel is great and all but that gas 7.3 seems like a simple, reliable "old school" v8 and for the price I'd for sure get it next time around. At the time when I got mine the Ford promotion going on was a 10k discount off MSRP for diesel engines, so it made sense (XLT premium package with heated seats, same centre screen/nav as lariat, centre console). Nice truck. Ended up upgrading my headlights to AlphaRex LEDs (like 1000 and installed myself), and LED taillights. The only real difference now is between mine and a Lariat is no leather seats. But yeah, looking back I'd wait for ford to have a different promo to get 10k off MSRP on a gas truck and trade the diesel engine for a 7.3 gas and get the lariat with cooled seats, LEDs. I'd also probably go with an 8 ft bed instead of the 6.75 ft bed for a work truck. I got the "super cab" and short bed so that the truck would be better for plowing, but I haven't actually really used it much for snow removal. My previous truck was a regular cab with 8 ft bed and it was much more useful. Once you've got a toolbox in there, or fuel tank, there's just not much room for anything else. I'd probably also go with the F350 for the extra payload for anyone who plans on keeping tools/ equipment in the truck and also tow with it. (I'm in landscaping/asphalt - repair, sealing, light paving. I've hauled bobcat/ mini ex/ asphalt roller on a float trailer with this truck, 14-15k lbs dump trailers fully loaded. fully loaded enclosed trailers)


It's a good engine gentlemen. I work for a class 1 railroad in maintenance of way. We beat the snot out of these 6.2's in the F250 and F350 and they have had no issues around my work group. My assigned truck is a 2014 F350 6.2, loaded with gear and tools and weighs 12000lbs (aftermarket leaf springs) with 189K and it has had no issues. I was impressed enough I bought a 2020 F250 for my personal truck. I have seen transmission failures in Chevy's 2500 and 3500. But I dont blame the maker. RR does no transmission maintenance and auctions truck at 200K


I got a 19 diesel with the sport package. I’ve hauled everything including cattle. Yeah the diesel is overkill but my FNL has a gas version and pulls the same stuff as I do with no problem. What I hate about my truck is the sport package has blacked out head lights. Will eventually upgrade to LEDs for it. Nice truck was my dream truck and when you and Liz picked yours up and your comment as you walked to the truck was motivational. Then I finally got mine after a lot of contemplating.


Dude I hate that my phone connects to my truck with out me knowing. I don’t know why but I would rather talk on regular speaker phone. Glad your truck has been good for you.


Love the truck and hope to one day have something as nice as that. Currently in a 94 F350 7.5L workhorse she runs like new and has never left me behind.


Hey Brian you’re 100% correct if you spend all day in the truck get the most comfortable vehicle you can get for yourself


I almost went with a F250 but GM finally raised there trucks so they don’t sit so low anymore so I went with a GMC 2500 and I went with the diesel. At the end of the day though if it gets the job done it doesn’t matter what brand they all have lots of pros and a lot more cons lol. Keep up the videos Brian your doing well for yourself.


Thank you for the awesome review! Definitely keeping my 2018 F150 and running that into the ground to get my lawn care business going in 2022. Keep up the amazing work, Brian!
