'It just didn't seem real...'

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A scene from the Cowboy Bebop episode "Ganymede Elegy" featuring Jet and Elisa.

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Everytime I watch this show, it never fails to capture such good writing and acting that it just breaks all expectations and doubt. It is incredibly genuine and poignant. And these scenes become more significant when one can relate to them, when one has experienced or are even going through something like it.

I like this scene because I have gone through something like what Jet and Elisa have gone through. Knowing that the writers were able to identify and present an experience like that is just a refreshing but also bittersweet feeling.


Nothing's crueler then thinking something that was very important to you, a connection you thought was significant in the end was just another Tuesday to another person.


"I've got to go, by jet"

*Leaves by boat*


Man, the voice actor did such a great job right here. When Jet starts talking about how it became real to him, you can hear the hurt in his voice. The right emotion via voice is kind of rare in dubs these days.


easily one of the most touching scenes in the series


The Dub Of Cowboy Bebop is so goddamn phenomenal.


“You were always there for me, and that’s all I needed. Just you. For some reason, I didn’t feel sad or broken up, it just didn’t seem real. But slowly I realized it was real, that you were gone. And little by little, I slowly felt something inside me go numb.” Such a heartbreaking thing to hear. That is absolutely devastating.


Sometimes there’s no heartbreak, no drama, no tears. A person just simply grows tired of being with another person. Something this show handles very well


This is one of the example why the dub is better. Here, when Jet asks Alisa "Why you disappear like that?" you can hear the pain in his voice, he has moved on but it still hurts.


A girl I dated a few years back gave me a very personal note once, and then one day we just stopped talking and she blocked me. I was always looking for the reason as to why she ended up deciding to leave abruptly. I got hung up on my memories of her and tried to understand her decision. All this time felt I was living in a memory. Watching this episode helped me understand it is not the best to live in the past so I decided to throw away her note just like Jet did with the clock. It might sound corny but this is honestly why I love Cowboy Bebop.


Ever ask an ex why? Never a clear answer.... Story of my god dam life...


Somethings in life, you'll just never get the answers for. Don't let that hold you up. Cowboy Bebop never displays pessimism in this lack of meaning in life. Because it teaches us that although the universe doesn't always purpose or hope. We're still the creators of our own destiny. Every single person you encounter has a past and has suffered more than just ourselves, but the truth is if we want to live a life where we create our own meaning, we must accept our pasts. Because if we hold on to them they'll chain us to a tunnel vision of life.


One of those quiet moments. Really never knowing why moments, answered by nothing. Fits, because that's life really.


Cowboy Bebop is a masterpiece itself, and nearly every episode stands pretty well by themselves, but Ganymede Elegy, and Ballad of Fallen Angels are two of my very favorites along with Jupiter Jazz and The Real Folk Blues. Every single one of these episodes tells a story in the present that is easily to follow and deeply tied into a backstory told in a small amount of time, but with a heavy amount of emotion and detail that anybody can easily relate to and understand.


"You speak as if time never moved" well it would of helped if you told him in person that you were moving on with your life or atleast leave a letter. This was all on her.


This whole scene gets to me, but one thing I can’t help but notice is the bobbing bird, it keeps going through the conversation. The ice in Jet’s glass shifts when some of it melts. Symbolizing that time really does pass, whether you want it to or not.


I just got dumped, this shit hits hard


God waltz for zizi makes me feel so nostalgic


I fucking love this scene.

There's no backflashes that overstay their welcome, everything is spoken and shown through body language. We are essentially sitting in the bar while these two talk about their pasts, and we don't have the full context of what their lives where like, but it's obvious neither really got over it. We've all been in a situation where someone we care about left us, or cheated on us, or whatever. And sure, we feel mad about it for a while, but later on in life if we ever encounter them again, all we really want to know is why they chose to do what they did.

That is why this is my personal favorite scene in the entire show. There's so much emotion in this scene, and Cowboy Bebop is intelligent enough to not rely on excessive explanation or pace killing flashbacks to explain it to us. You just listen to them. Beau Billingslea nailed it, and is my favorite Jet to date. The sadness in his voice is so real, you can practically taste it. And while Alisa says she forgot all about it, the shaking of her eyes as she tries to hold back tears tells you all you need to know. When she finally responds, she tries to sound confident but her voice is a bit shaky. You know she's lying to Jet about moving on, but she's also probably lying to herself, trying to reassure herself that she has.

I'm rambling here, tl:dr - Cowboy Bebop is a masterpiece.


When he says "why you disappeared like that?" I get a frog in my throat everytime.
