Human vs. Artificial Intelligence: Key Similarities and Differences | Philip Hilm | TEDxYouth@Prague

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Philip revealed what we should expect from artificial intelligence which is a significant part of our lives already.
While math and problem solving comes naturally to Philip, the opposite can be said about his understanding of people. He has long ago recognized, that he needs a very deliberate effort to understand why people think and act the way they do. This has since become a passion and has led to a career as a professional poker player and now as an artificial intelligence researcher. Phil believes artificial intelligence will be the main factor shaping our future. This will be the topic of his talk. As an affectionate father of 2, he finds great purpose in working for a brighter future.
While math and problem solving comes naturally to Philip, the opposite can be said about his understanding of people. He has long ago recognized, that he needs a very deliberate effort to understand why people think and act the way they do. This has since become a passion and has led to a career as a professional poker player and now as an artificial intelligence researcher. Phil believes artificial intelligence will be the main factor shaping our future. This will be the topic of his talk. As an affectionate father of 2, he finds great purpose in working for a brighter future.
Human vs. Artificial Intelligence: Key Similarities and Differences | Philip Hilm | TEDxYouth@Prague
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