Monster Hunter Sunbreak DodgeBolt The Problems

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Hey Everyone!! Monster Hunter Sunbreak DodgeBolt The Problems, In todays video i decided to go use some dodgebolt bow in monster hunter sunbreak, and oh lord am i rusty. Hope You Enjoy

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Рекомендации по теме

As a Bow main I find myself always playing Dodgebolt and Spread bows. In solo hunts I have a hard time keeping most monsters at a good range for pierce or rapid to be in effective range.

I would like to request maybe a Violet Mizutsune with either rapid or pierce bow. I don't really mind beyond that whether it's elemental/raw etc, I just would like to see someone handle that range issue.


I like dodgebolt since it fits my preferred gameplay nicely, with berserk, i only need to counter some attacks while most of the time i stay away from the monster since i slot EE 2/3. It works perfectly fine and doesn't feel too try hard.
I prefer spread since it doesn't need much aiming or trying to maintain your distance, rapid is okay but i hate aiming with gamepad


Currently falling in love with Bow after thinking i was a main CB, SnS, SA, Hammer and Lance.
Still a noob either way and I might be too old to use Dodgebolt efficiently.
Always enjoy watching proper Hunters anyways.


how many hours do you have in both games?


Definitely feels the hit lags in Wilds OBT when spinning axe is just about to hit.
