Noor - Guidance

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Noor releases their second video clip for their track, "Guidance," from the hit album, All for You.
Produced and Directed by filmmaker Murad Aldin Amayreh

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BEST EID GIFT EVER FROM THE MUSLIM ARTISTS!!! THANK YOU NOOR! May Allah accept your hard work! love it


I love noor they played at OCS it was so good. I even have an autograph CD. AHHH


Ma'sha'allah, this was beyond beautiful. What a great message and reminder. Jazak'Allahu Khairan for making this video. Awesome!


Masha'Allah, this is so touching. I nearly cried. Thank you so much for sharing this. JazakAllah Khair.


@Silenzio1979 Female circumcision is not practiced in Islam. It is practiced in some parts of Africa as an ancient tradition that precedes Islam. Islam actually states that ancient traditions such as that should be overridden by Islam itself which means that female circumcision should not be practiced by any Muslim.


Call Mom! Whoever came up with this idea is a genius! Is it you Murad?!


it's amazing song and music, I wonder why don't they do more collaboration?


mashallah may allah bless all of know kaleems comment he did not do that i did Aishah satar his sister.I AM A BIG FAN OF NOOR


@nestcanz, yeah He (swt) does not forbid beauty when we represent it Halal way, there is also a way of beauty for the non-believers which is exposed on the Haram way.


if ur gonna diss on it
dont listen to it



You can start with Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Imam al-Ghazali.

Here, I'll even give you an excerpt:

"In his book, Al-Ahkam, Al-Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-..Arabi says, "None of the hadiths maintaining that singing is prohibited are considered authentic (by the scholars of the Science of Hadith Methodology)." The same view is maintained by Al-Ghazali and Ibn An-Nahwi in Al-..Umdah. Ibn Tahir says, "Not even a single letter from all these Hadiths was proved to be authentic."


@BellaShaify - as an adding extra: last but not least, whatever people want to do about the music part, OK its up to us individualy but lets not forget, how different our opinion can be about some things, keep it clean from abusive words, .... as i see on many places... drama

Muslim eat the muslim, because they do not share the same vision... how bad is that .... honestly it's very sad.


@iamurhope "Robots are better than human because they are artifical and are made by 'creative' humans."

Sure it has no sense!!! Where the hell did I say that artificial things are "better" than human?!?

I said that you assume human musics to not be natural because you separate yourself from the nature. We do music with instrument because we know how to. If the bird could do that he would!

Music is beautiful and is a space where human can free his creativity. That's all what I've said.


gotta love the endless "is music halal?" debates on youtube :P Noor are muslim too, and as pro musicians, they probably did their research, no? ;)

oh, and they have a new Ramadan song!


How long does Islam teach that a parent should look for a missing / kidnapped child? Because America - their FBI, their police in some venues - would like me to forget my son, age 8, so he is not an embarrassment to them.They have "lost" all original police reports, and some say it is because the local police (Virginia) made a mistake, that my son was kidnapped, and probably killed. I think that a child is worth looking for, and seeking justice for, forever. lctekdesign-net-missing..


@nestcanz To be really honest with you, i consider based on what i've seen in hadith's, knowledge and different kind of lectures of oellema; that it is haraam.

Now my opinion does not matter, but if a person makes a choice to listen to music while not considering it haraam, however he/she did search for evidence or not, it's your own choice/problem. We can only do as the Prophet Muhammed (saws) told us to do, for our own good.


@BellaShaify Ok, I agree. The subject was singing and music. I know that some muslims forbid music as haram, but I consider this backwardness and ignoracy. Do you?


this case is simple

Music is haraam no matter with what you represent it. Either way it is going about Islam or not, music should not be mixed with Islam, because what is haraam is haraam, making it halaal for yourself is making your own fatwa's, which comes to bidah and every bidah leads to the fire.

Listening to it and knowing its haraam, is your own responsibility. Fine, but do not ignore the facts, either way you listen or not, thats your own problem but don't deny that it is haraam.


the video is great but the song is not, , i mean the language is English but the music is Arabic, , and that doesn't fit at and i really dont like this, , anyway the idea n video is really great


@Silenzio1979 Brother! You are now committing Qibr. ;) And i asked on a very friendly way! That if you have some proof out of the Qur'aan or Hadith, this will make it easier for people to see based on evidence that they have to accept this is haraam. I did not ask about your opinion. I asked very friendly about proof for us all to make it easy. If you do not have a friendly answer back, please DO NOT reply back. If you are friendly brothers and sistesr in Deen Islam, act like one!
