Rethink Speed

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Our speed is one of the few things we control on the roads. While speed doesn’t always cause crashes, it always determines the severity of a crash. This is because the speed we travel at creates a force and it’s our vehicle and our bodies that absorb this force in a crash. This means the faster we choose to travel, the more severe a crash will be (whether the crash is our fault or not).
As much as we like to think we’re invincible, we’re not. The human body can only withstand certain amounts of force in a car crash. In fact, the impact forces of a car travelling at 30km/hr are enough to be fatal for a pedestrian that is hit, or for a driver in a side-on collision with a tree.

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so let's add a nationwide 60km/h speed limit if it is so dangerous?? - or how about less propaganda and more action??
traffic light intersections have been proven to be more dangerous than roundabouts - less fatalities - so why not replace some with roundabouts?? - other countries have higher speed limits with less enforcement and lower road fatalities per head of population - how is this possible?? - they also raise less money from traffic infringements


You can be fined for driving too slowly. Perhaps the TAC should lobby for that law to be changed, because 'speed limits' are somewhat misnamed, aren't they? They should be called "THE SPEED" because if you do any less, either the cops fine you, or someone murders you with a tyre iron... but if you do any more, then you're a reckless sociopath who likes to kill, and the cops get you then also.

So it's not as much a limit, as it is THE prescribed speed, right? Better watch the speedo carefully. Doesn't matter what else is going on. Watch that speed. Watch it. Keep watching it. Don't take your eyes off it.
