The Catholic Magisterium Is a LOT Like the Sanhedrin: The Mark Series pt 44 (11:27-33)

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It seems eerie to me how similar the claims that Roman Catholicism makes are to the claims that the Pharisees and Sanhedrin were making in the time of Christ. The Pharisees claimed to have and oral tradition that wasn't written down but was handed down through an elder-succession from Sinai to Jesus' time (which was simply not historically true). They claimed that this tradition was equal in authority to the written word. They claimed that they had a special right to interpret that Bible and felt more authority than they really possessed. They thought they were sitting in Moses' seat and carrying the continuation of his authority in their own role. Well, all of these points are alive and present in the claims of the Roman Catholic Magisterium. They claim to have an oral tradition that wasn't written down but is equal in authority to the New Testament (which is simply not historically true). They claim to have special right to interpret the Bible. They claim to have special authority over God's people due to a claim that they have apostolic succession in their leadership roles. They claim to sit in the seat of Peter and carry the continuation of his authority in their own role. All of the parallels make it really interesting when Jesus simply dismisses the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees in the New Testament. In other words, we have a sample of how Jesus might respond to modern Roman Catholicism in the way that He responded to the 1st century Sanhedrin. And I think we should respond the same way.

This is part 44 of a verse by verse study through the Gospel of Mark.

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Why are so many individuals in the comments misappropriating what Mike said? People saying that he is bashing or hating on Catholics are in the wrong, either misidentifying or purposefully misleading people to believe that he is antagonizing other groups. He is leading a discussion into what is wrong or what could be wrong with other sects of Christianity. We are better people than that, we are Christians. We need to be more Christlike in our attitudes towards one another. It makes me question whether people are for Jesus or an organization.


This statement really spoke to me:
“Responsibility and Power are not the same thing. Teachers have a responsibility to proclaim the truth. They do not have the power to proclaim the truth, to tell you what is true. Just a responsibility to echo what is true and get it across in a way that people can understand it.”
Thank you, Mike for your ministry!!


In my early 20's I began to seriously learn about the Roman Catholic Church. I was raised RCC and was taught that she was the One True Holy Church but I couldn't back that up in defense of Her. For weeks I sought God's guidance. I went into the Encyclopedias to read about the Reformation. Bought an Adult Catholic Catechism, and read the Bible side by side the Catechism. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes and I saw how much the Church contradicted the Bible. Deep down I heard the question, "Who do you believe, God or man?" Also I had the Revelation that when I died, I would die alone and face God alone. There would not be anyone there to defend my decision but I alone. I chose God. I have praised and thanked him every day since then for opening my eyes and saving a sinner such as I.


Listening again for probably the third time. The "seat of Moses" stood out to me - Moses was a mediator between God and man. The RCC believes they act in the same manner. You have to attend mass, receive the Eucharist, confession to a priest, etc. It creates a false dependency on "the Church, " for salvation; and negates Jesus as the only mediator between God and man (1 Tim 2:5).


I am a 67 year-old Catholic and I really like your presentation. In the many years of being Catholic I must admit I have been jaded many times by fellow Catholics who cannot admit we (RCC) are not the "cat's meow". I find myself increasingly listening to people like you who, IMO, represent the truth a lot more than what I hear at church.
Mike, can you do me a favor? Even though I have no severe issue with the Eucharist, I quite often wonder why the RCC has put all its marbles into the Eucharist. This is where my main disappointment in the RCC resides. How in the heck did the Gospel get displaced by the Liturgy? I am very aware that the ancient, early Church had Liturgy; but how did it evolve from teaching about Jesus and remembering Jesus with Communion to a ritual that mainly revolves around the Host? In a strange sort of way, Communion has become more important than the Gospel; and it is obvious to me that it has been that way for a very, very long time (centuries). So my basic question is: When did Communion become the center of a person's faith in the RCC instead of being the center (or the conclusion) of their worship? To me their is a distinct difference. When I present this issue to other RC, I am most often shutdown. All I want is to know the truth and it is not easy to find a person who is willing to be objective.


I feel like the Lord establishes me a little more every time I listen. Thank you for our brother Mike. Thanks bro keep it coming 🙏🏻❤️👑


Hey Mike Winger
I see a lot of negative comments, it’s not surprising to me it’s mostly Catholics but I am surprised by the venom. You have always shown grace and respect when addressing ideas or doctrine of other religions and it’s what I appreciate so much about you. Don’t let the negative comments get you down, we need your voice on our search for truth. To test everything by the light of scripture regardless of who we want to support or what doctrine we think is correct. Love you brother and I will be praying for you
May God bless your voice and keep you in strength for his Kingdom. ❤️


"Responsibility. Not power."
100% correct. Great point.


50:10 “Our will dictates what we believe more than the evidence”-Pastor Winger

In speaking to many people, this is so true, even if they don’t realize it’s the case.
Thank you! March on...


I wish someone would come make me a grilled cheese sandwich


Not belonging to the Catholic church it is easier to see where Catholicism is deviating from the scriptures. Then it makes me think, belonging to a protestant church my whole life, where are we deviating from the scriptures?...Hmmm...because you know we are but we just can't see it right?


I'm only half way through but gotta pause for a bit. I am having such a great Bible study with you Pastor. I love all your videos (especially defending the faith) but this is my 1st time sitting and doing a Bible study and I'm taking so many notes because I wasn't ready for so much awesome history and meat!
I thank God for his faithfulness and for you Pastor, for your diligence and ability to teach. All Glory to God.


Thank you for giving your opinions in regards to the RCC as you study out from biblical and historical. Got my popcorn and thinker ready to discern. Married into Catholicism as an adult, but lacking knowledge of the Bible or religions in general. Fully adopted the faith and doctrine and raised my children catholic in a catechism and pope adhering catholic private school. Then a lot of stuff went off the rails which made me step back and look at the teachings in light of scripture and my heart sunk and my gut hurt until I could reconcile. It’s been five years of seeking it out, which is how I found your channel. The catechism is taught inside out and upside down but the Bible gets sidelined and that is so obvious now. It wasn’t then. It was studying cults to understand “other religions” vs Catholicism that I was like uh oh, wait... this group running this school fits the definition of a cult. And I couldn’t unsee it. So then I had to step back and consider why the Catholic Church would allow this cult to be a valid commission in its ranks. It just all went downhill from there. Sigh. I do appreciate Mike’s teaching on the subject with respect vs many who simply catholic bash and cry “Whore” or antichrist. Truly, these comments would encourage the Catholic to run back to what they believe is safe ground.


hearing at "catholic productions" dr Brant Pitre youtube channel:
Priesthood - Jesus, the Apostles and the Seventy (Two)
(+ Genesis 11 table of nations in Hebrew is 70, but in Greek(septuaginta) 72 nations)
Luke 10, 1-12 17-20 (The Mission of the Seventy(Two))
Why Seventy(Two) ? Because:
Numbers 11, 16-30 (The Seventy Elders) (26 Now TWO men remained in the camp, one named Eldad, and the other named Medad, ...)
Moses and the priestly hierarchy: Aron the High Priest, + Aron, Nadab, Abihu + Twelwe Pillars/"Young Man" of Twelve Tribes + The 70: Priestly Elders of Israel (Exod 24, 1-11)
Jesus and His Disciples: Peater, leader of the Apostles +Peter, James and Johns + Twelve Apostles of the Twelve Tribes + The 70: Appointed and send out (Luke 6, 14 9, 32 10, 1-20 22, 28-34)


I bet Trent Horn will do a rebuttal video of this in 3...2...1...


Thanks for this!
The simple 'responding with a question' is something I've been taught for awhile, but more examples of how to use it are always helpful, especially when they're questions I've not thought to use.


Years ago when I first came out of the Catholic Church I asked the priest if he really believed in novenas. He said not really. I asked, then why do you do them? He said can you imagine what the people would do to me if I told them I didn’t believe in novenas!


I can't help but point out the irony and hypocrisy of a Christian casting doubt on the claims of other religions concerning the existence of supposed "oral traditions" that they point to in order to try to substantiate and validate their beliefs.
On a completely separate note: If you're in close proximity of the Pope, and at some point you sneeze, and he hears you and politely says "Bless You", should make much of that?
Should you tell everyone that you were "blessed" by the Pope?


Jesus Will Come To Debate Them And Then Say This:

Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. (Mark 7:9)

edit:now i am convinced that magisterium is a real thing, take the "chair of moses" as example, even Christ confirm the authority of the chair of moses in matthew 23:2, magisterium is biblical and historical, forgive me father for rejecting your authority, i also believed that sola scriptura is false and that prima scriptura was right, im sorry to anyone who have been offended by my previous comment


Dear Brother, I think in order to understand a passage of the Bible, we need to have a grasp on the whole. From the point of view of the entire history of salvation as narrated in the Bible we can have a better understanding. I would encourage you to read Mathew 21:33-43 or Mark 12:1-9. In this parable Jesus gives an outline of the relationship between the OT people and the NT people. The parable makes it very clear that GOD, the owner of the vineyard, had entrusted His vineyard to the OT people. They possessed it legitimately by the authority from God. Since they did not bear the fruit that He expected, the one who gave them the vineyard would take it away from them & give it to a people which WOULD give fruit. The old covenant was passing and God knew that. But the new covenant made with the people of God will never fail or fade and hence the Lord calls it the new & everlasting covenant. Jesus did affirm the seat of Moses as legitimate, but He overruled it by the authority of the one who gave it, IN ORDER to transfer the vineyard/kingdom to another people.
Being one's own arbitrator of truth only leads to anarchy & self-indulgence. Hence Paul says in Rom 13:2, "Consequently, whoever resists authority is opposing what God has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves"
We see the new people exercise their God-given authority in many places. For instance, when there was a huge dispute between Paul-Barnabas team and the Judaisers about the need for circumcism and all were arguing from the Scripture, they took the problem to the elders in Jerusalem who spoke authoritatively with the words, “For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements…” Acts 15:28.
Paul & the other apostles exercised their authority of excommunicating heretics.
Paul shows us in 1 Corinthians 7 that in those cases where there is no clear command from Scripture, the steward of Christ can make laws as one trustworthy.
While Jesus condemned man-made traditions, Paul affirms those unwritten oral traditions that have come down from the Lord, through the apostles. (2 Thes 2:15). Paul speaks about the traditions that he has received in 1 Cor 11:23 & 1 Cor 15:3.
1 Tim 1:3 “Hold to the standard of sound teaching that you have heard from me…” Paul does not ask Timothy to limit himself to the written letters, but to what he has HEARD from Paul.
Paul asks the Church to imitate him (1 Cor 11:1). In 1 Cor 11:2 Paul COMMENDS them for remembering him in everything & for maintaining the traditions just as he handed them over.
You should get over the old dispensation and look at the new.
Whenever you raise the battle cry for sola scriptura, you forget that all the later heretics too argued quoting the Scripture. It was one interpretation of scripture over another. People interpreted the baptism of Christ at the river Jordan & came to the conclusion of Adoptionalism. And Unitarianism and so on.
The Catholic Church doesn’t ever undermine the role of Scripture. However, when you ignore the Sacred Traditions of the lived experience of those prominent churches where the apostles lived & taught, you get your personal interpretation and it is actually "Sola Your Own opinion" of the Scripture. And you can always claim the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and no one can know for certain if it is so.
Traditions reveal how the apostles understood Jesus’ words and what they meant by their words when they preached and wrote.
See how meticulously the apostles appointed elders in every town and commanded other Bishops like Timothy to appoint elders through the laying on of hands.
In Luke 10:16 Jesus said, “He who listens to you listens to me & he who rejects you rejects me” So you reject the authority Christ gave to the apostles and claim to obey God directly. How does that work? It’s called Sola My Interpretation. If what you say is true then our Lord would definitely have told the apostles to write down His words in the Gospels. Nowhere in the gospels does our Lord command them to write His words so that people may read them and only them.
When you take off the anti-Catholic lens and look at the Bible you may see differently. I hope and pray.
May our good Lord, whom we both love passionately bring us together around His table….soon.
