Ranked: Most Popular Zodiac Signs In Astrology 2022

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The Most Popular Zodiac Signs In Astrology

In this video, I'm going to show you the most popular zodiac signs in astrolog and what each one means. Are you a Pisces? What about a Leo? Find out which sign is the most popular in astrology!
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In this video, I'm going to show you the most popular zodiac signs in astrolog and what each one means. Are you a Pisces? What about a Leo? Find out which sign is the most popular in astrology!


I do not believe that Aries is selfish. We are only like that for those who we see keep taking instead of giving as well. But it is true about Aries we are very happy people who are very adventurous and open minded and love helping others as well.


Me being a libra ♎️ and having no friends

Also me never gossiping and my “friends” always leaving me


I am a scorpio♏️ but i am actually completely different to wat the video said, i have a lot of friends and i love them all honestly and i trust them very much


That’s why i love Friends that means im pisces💓


Scorpio here. It’s true … I only have a few very close friends and that’s enough for me. I don’t need or want a gaggle of people surrounding me. It takes a very long time for me to “let you in” until I grasp what you’re really like and even then I’m quietly suspicious of your ulterior motives. My perception of people and personalities is highly accurate. I also am a critical thinker which is why I was very successful in healthcare. If and when I give you my friendship or much more my heart do not betray it because it won’t end well for you. On the other hand once I give it to you, it’s yours for life whether we’re living in the same block or thousands of miles away. 🤨


😌🤗🦋 Aquarius ♒💜🌈🏆💥
And Do Not Disturb My Peace 🤞🏽 ☮️


I'm okay where capricorn is placed in this video. It's very true. I'm always to busy to make friends, and I also cant make friends as easily as others. I'm more of a shy person than a popular person. And the word I always use when someone wants to hangout with me, is "I'm busy." So thats 100% true.


I am Leo Quit at House but Noisy When at School


Libras are the best for all zodiac sign no one can beat Libras for more information The ruler of Libra, Venus, rules the skin in astrology, so their skin is usually such that it looks shiny from the inside out and also looks slightly translucent. The only thing that can ruin their skin is to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Lebern's hair is usually fine, silky and thick with a slight natural wave. Both sexes always make sure that their hair looks amazing, even for the slightest occasion. With shiny, silky, wavy hair, you can also expect shiny, smiling eyes. The eyes of a Libra are round in the middle, taper in the shape of almonds and curved at the corners. Lucky Libra often has a full lower lip paired with a slightly thinner upper lip that is often bow-shaped - either an extreme bow shape or one that is slightly curved. The body of the female Libra is classically beautiful Libra's smile can literally light up an entire room. Whether men or women, their charm is evident to all. Once Libra smiles at you, it's hard not to smile back. Libra not only has a winning smile but also has beautiful teeth. Their teeth are naturally straight, although sometimes there may be a small gap between the two in front.


We are all selfish to some extent but as an Aries, I emphasize that selfishness is not a highlighted characteristic of an Aries. I have sacrificed my desires to help my friends and even strangers many many times.


I’m Pisces ♓️ I make good friends at my school even i’m


waoovery true for me, Aquarius do their own thing, like being alone, few good friends


As a Scorpio it is true surprisingly

Thought it was fake


As a Scorpio this is damnnnn relatable🔥
i've like 0 friends😂LMAO


As an Aries I'm very sad to hear selfish I believe that everyone is not perfect and even if your selfish you can change(Serial killer And criminal can change I guess) but still you don't know anything about people so please do not say somethint bad


So uhm I'm a Pisces and THAT is not true. At school I only have few friends, am introverted, and have trust issues.


Be the Light, I get the intention- though hmmmm ? This seems like you are leaving others out, which isn't a great strategy, in my humble opinion.


me being a sag; why is that so true????


God, what crap based on a mere thousand people…
