Wild turkey tail mushroom tea #healing

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#mushroomhunting #forage #wildmushrooms
I am not a professional or medical practitioner.
Always consult a professional
before consuming any
wild plants and/or mushrooms.
Turkey tail is a medicinal mushroom that's full of antioxidants and other compounds. Evidence shows it may help fortify your immune system, maintain healthy gut bacteria, and support the treatment of some cancers.
A true turkey tail fungus has visible pores on its white underside, hence why it is classified as a polypore (i.e. many pored) mushroom.
I am not a professional or medical practitioner.
Always consult a professional
before consuming any
wild plants and/or mushrooms.
Turkey tail is a medicinal mushroom that's full of antioxidants and other compounds. Evidence shows it may help fortify your immune system, maintain healthy gut bacteria, and support the treatment of some cancers.
A true turkey tail fungus has visible pores on its white underside, hence why it is classified as a polypore (i.e. many pored) mushroom.
Wild turkey tail mushroom tea #healing
6 Amazing Turkey Tail Mushroom Benefits and Usage Guide
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