2020 Tang Prize Award Ceremony

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The Tang Prize hopes to become an influential guide to the fields important to the 21st Century—Sustainable Development, Biopharmaceutical Science, Sinology, and Rule of Law. Through the contributions and vision of the laureates, the Foundation hopes to support and guide research and the education of our youth. Qualities specific to Eastern culture—oneness, integration, and broad vision—and those cherished by the West—analysis and classification—come together in the prize as a whole to contribute to the development of the human race. With its huge influence in technology, education, culture, and tourism, the Tang Prize is a significant event for the Asia region.
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Dear colleagues!
Thank you so much for the beautifully organized event. This is a real holiday for all scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries! The Tang Prize encourages people around the world to chart the best path to achieving sustainable development. It is very good that the Tang Prize is global, and the laureates are chosen based on the originality of their work and their contribution to society, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity.
Congratulations to all 2020 Tang Prize Laureate with a well-deserved award. I wish you health, prosperity, good luck and new creative success!
Leonid A. Ivanov,
Vice President and Chief Scientific Secretary of the International and Russian Academies of Engineering
