Guru Yoga

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The Preliminaries of Mahamudra as Daily Practice
- Guru Yoga -
by Khenpo Karsang Tenzin
Guru Yoga is the entrance practice to Mahamudra and with greatest confidence, one connects to Vajradhara - the complete combination of three roots and three jewels. With the blessing of Vajradhara one can achieve enlightenment, free from Samsara and ultimate liberation.
Oral transmission, empowerment and explanation by Guru are required for the "The Preliminaries" to avoid entering into the wrong path. Before engaging the Four Preliminaries one should contemplate on the Four Common Preliminaries, sometimes called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind. i.e.
1. The difficulty of attaining a human body endowed with freedom and richness.
2. The impermanent of life.
3. The infallibility of actions, cause and effect.
4. The flaws of cyclic existence.
According to tradition, each preliminary is required to practice for 111111 times.
- Guru Yoga -
by Khenpo Karsang Tenzin
Guru Yoga is the entrance practice to Mahamudra and with greatest confidence, one connects to Vajradhara - the complete combination of three roots and three jewels. With the blessing of Vajradhara one can achieve enlightenment, free from Samsara and ultimate liberation.
Oral transmission, empowerment and explanation by Guru are required for the "The Preliminaries" to avoid entering into the wrong path. Before engaging the Four Preliminaries one should contemplate on the Four Common Preliminaries, sometimes called the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind. i.e.
1. The difficulty of attaining a human body endowed with freedom and richness.
2. The impermanent of life.
3. The infallibility of actions, cause and effect.
4. The flaws of cyclic existence.
According to tradition, each preliminary is required to practice for 111111 times.