Restoring The Lost | Messianic Commentary on Torah Portion Ki Tetze

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You Found It. Now Return It…

Have you ever lost something important? Maybe a wallet, or a set of keys, or maybe even a wedding ring? Many times you don’t even realize it’s gone until it’s too late. But when you realize it’s missing, your heart sinks and you begin a desperate search to find it. How would you feel if you had just left the grocery store and were about to get into your car when someone shouted at you, “Hey! you dropped your wallet!”? That would be a huge blessing. But did you know that you’ve found something that someone else has lost? And you need to get their attention and let them know they lost it so that you can return it. Not sure what I mean? Let’s take a look in this week’s 5 Minute Torah.

00:00 - Lost Items
00:40 - 3 Things You Need To Know
03:26 - Commentary / Teaching

Messianic Commentary on Parashat Shoftim

Written commentary here:

Audio commentary here:

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Keywords: #kitetze #messianic #torahportion #yeshua #teaching #parsha #parasha #parashat #parashas #bookofdeuteronomy #judaism #kiteitze #kiteitzei

Рекомендации по теме

Such a great thought about returning the Torah to those “seeking” what has been lost! Oddly enough, the friends who introduced me to Torah study now have no interest in it at all. But I’m thankful beyond words that they did, because it has completely changed my life and revolutionized my Bible study. Baruch HaShem!


Thanks, for the teaching - an excellent reminder because we fall due to the heavy loads we carry, we often ignore the important responsibilities we are forgetful we are careless /irresponsible - Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam - Shabbat Shalom.


I came from a Christian background constantly being told that the Torah had no relevance any longer because Messiah Yeshua died to give us grace and that this was sufficient for my salvation. Thankfully, one day a friend showed me Malachi 4:4 which states that we should "REMEMBER the law of Mosheh my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments". Reading this verse kind of reminded me of the scene in the Lion King where Simba is told to REMEMBER who he is. In my head and my heart Abba Father was telling me to REMEMBER (be mindful) of his Torah. I am thankful to Yah for directing my friend to return to me the unsoiled, beautiful and familiar object of Torah which had been lost to me for so long. Praise Adonai, for He is good and His mercy endures forever.


I think getting back to Torah begins with knowing the biblical definition of sin. 1 John 3:4 states that sin is transgression of the law. Once you point that out, it gets people thinking in a new light. That's what lead me and a couple of others to the Torah. I've recently rediscovered my faith and you guys have helped me out a lot. Keep up the good work!


As someone who comes from the catholic church, I can say that the vast majority of believers think that the Torah and Old Testament do not apply to us because Jesus came and fulfilled the Law so we do not have to. Although I don't know where they got that idea from when Jesus explicitly said:" Until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished" (Matthew 5, 18) and (Mark 10, 17-18). I think the main problem is that believers don't read the Bible at all and the only time they hear something about religion is on Sunday Mass. I tried a few times to explain to my friends that keeping commandments is not impossible and we should do so, but they often refer to "authorities" and "experts" who say that Jesus fulfilled, thus relativizing the Laws. Since then I have stuck to Paul's statement "Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them" (Titus 3, 10).


How can we make the Torah more appealing to those who have lost it, so that we have the opportunity to return it to them?

I struggle answering this question because HaShem’s Eternal Torah stands alone and does all the talking for itself. I do not see anything I can do to enhance the appeal of the Torah other than live it out in faith in Lord. The Torah has its own appeal because it is inspired and breathed by the Holy and Righteous One, and it shows us what humanity is supposed to look like, who we were created to be; it outlays and exposes what holiness looks like practically. Therefore, as I pray for God to work into me obedience and reverence to Him and His revelation, I think and hope that those who watch me and listen to me can see and be provoked to inquire if I would help or assist in returning to them that which they have lost for I would be overjoyed to see the progression of sanctification restored unto believers and disciples of Yeshua knowing that He lived in a perfect way that we may follow to be like Him.
