How To Find Titan Drive Components for V1 SCO FSD (Elite: Dangerous)

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Unlock the new pre-engineered V1 SCO FSD's in sizes 2-7 at a nearby Human Tech Broker by collecting Titan Drive Components from dead titan salvage. Let's examine the best way to search for them in the wreckage while also listening to the spectrogram signal being broadcast.

Titan signal image sourced from LilacLight in Canonn.

#elitedangerous #guide #gaming
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I’ve had quite a lot of success in the wreckage of long-destroyed titans. The biggest help was fitting A rated sensors with grade 5 wide-angle for obvious reasons


I’ve never been near a titan or let alone in it’s caustic cloud from a noob that knows nothing about Xeno, I appreciate the guide, I’m currently setting my ship up to get ready to grind drive components and propulsion elements. o7


I have a purpose built cutter sporting all azimuth mcs exactly for this endeavor. The biggest threat you'll face in titan wrecks are medusas and they're easy enough to take out if you know what you're doing. You can do it in any ship, just cover the core basics of Bringing an A rated sensors engineered for wide range. engineer your PP and thrusters for heat so you cruise around sub 20 on temps, bring a couple hundred limpets and some coffee cause its literally like fishing if you really want to wreck farm


On first few entries at dead Cocijo I found zero drives, then found one, then none a few times, than three in one entry within five minutes scattered around.
Guess it's rng at full swing.


There is a bug where even when given cargo, the right panel refuses to show it for short amount of time, this usually fixes itself after you make a jump or relog. But you shall not wory, the cargo is in fact there


Thanks for the tips, this game really should be better at explaining itself. But thanks to players like you on youtube and forums things get moving.


Thanks for the great video. The ideal collector limpets are class B, as they have a bigger range than class A.


I use the asp explorer and my route is to go around and then to the middle, I ignored everything except the metal alloys and the titan engines, in general in the first lap I already have between 7 to 11 metal alloys and 1 to 3 engine fragments


Had another oddity today. I wanted 5 of the new drives. The fifth spawned inside one of the large Titan remnants. Moved away from it to pick up a meta alloy. Moved around a bit until the drive component no longer showed in the contacts list, and then it reappeared/respawned in front of me!


I spent 2 whole caustic sinks launchers worth of ammo in Cocijo and found none, I spent a few hours at Rajin, 1ok from the center and found 5


The most important module other than caustic sinks, caustic resistant cargo holds and limpets is the sensor module. Get an A rated module and engineer it with a single wide angle mod (not 5 as range is as important). It will pick up more titan drives. Go to Sol while there is caustic as this means no pirates. Go in a Python II with 6 caustic sinks.


@4:58. Yesterday morning I found one that didnt seem to be added, scrolled up the cargo list & back down & lo and behold I had two in the cargo hold. Restarted the game this afternoon- only one in the cargo hold..The Mystery of the Disappearing Drive Component!! 🤬


How do you get the anti corrosion cargo holds? I can see it available from human tech brokers, but it seems to require thargoid parts - but how do I get the parts to build the cargo hold without melting my ship? It seems I need the thing before I can make the thing!


Ok.. Well. I have a suggestion. Since the objects spawn in on a semi-rng basis, why not eliminate objects that are unwanted to make room for new spawns? Dont even gotta pick it up to clear the board. Just shoot stuff till the TDC spawns. Work the rng. Don't let it work you (in circles).


Hi mates. Where can i find the propulsion elements and meta alloys?
I'm absolutely a noob in the thargoids topic, never seen a titan, never fight a thargoid... make money in the thargoid war only with my rescue beluga / type 8.
So, credits are not my problem. Need only the caustic resistant cargo rack for your build.
Greetings o7


Is this the FSD that was given for the community goal?


Class 5 repair limpets will repair hull faster than caustic can damage it. Wait until you get to about 80% and pop one. Enables me to ditch the caustic syncs & stay in the cloud as long as i have limpets

Check the open areas in the cloud and pebble belt. I have found more out there than in the chunk garden & you don’t have to worry about spawns ending up in the Cocijo chunks.

Good luck cmdrs o7


but i need that materials (with titan drive) every time i am building the drive, or just one time for one clas and later on i can just buy modified sco drive for credits?


I spent 2hr. In the coins and got lots of stuff but not a single drive component.


spent like a hour there, i will try t engineer the sensors and come back.. i'm currently with type 8 i might also take ship with bigger sensors
