43. Josh McDowell - Tolerance Is Unbiblical

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Special guest Josh McDowell shares the evils and dangers of being tolerant in our society.
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Many thanks Josh, it's atitudes like yours that made me an athiest.


He is right.A lot of people believe that every faith is equal and everyone is good but that is just not true.If that were true, Jesus wouldn't have had to die on the cross for us.All of us, including myself.When you tolerate someone you can't tell them they are wrong and help them to get better and lead them to Christ.You can accept that they are a sinner, just don't accept their sin.He is very right.Tolerance is evil, especially for Christians.Jesus is the ONLY way.I hope you guys see that.Soon.


Great view.

Good point.



I'm quite tolerant; I have no desire to eliminate anyone's freedom of worship, in whatever way they choose, so long as it hurts no one else. I'm simply hopeful that one day, people themselves will come to the realization that these beliefs are fiction, that they curtail our progress as a species, and that they are dangerous to society. PEOPLE have to first make these changes in themselves. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't force those changes. And I don't try to "teach" anything to anyone.


i love josh mcdowlle he is sooo great


Thanks, Nintendo. I've seen the video and just reviewed it again. I accepted Jesus when I was about 13 years old. To say, "God doesn't force anyone into Heaven" isn't enough. What he's really saying is, "Believe exactly this or else!". I've had a problem at times being scared to death over hell. That's not how I want to live anymore. How can I or any of my loved ones be tortured beyond understanding - forever - for thinking differently than non-tolerant people like Josh McDowel.


I think what you mean to say is: "the sooner we accept ideas that have no religious affiliation whatsoever, the better off us non-believers will be." Its ok I still love you and I will still listen : )


Well, stating that you see faults with atheism implies that it's some kind of belief system or life plan or something. It isn't; atheism is simply an answer to a question, that question being "Do you believe that a god or gods exist?". I'm glad you can see this McDowell character for what he really is, anyway; that puts you a notch above most evangelical christians I've met. I suggest that now that you've found the faults with modern christianity, you might check out the faith as a whole.


Well, what I wrote was that I personally don't try to "teach" (read: indoctrinate) anything to anyone; I'm not a teacher. But if you, happen to learn something from me, wonderful; I'm flattered. As for ANYONE teaching any particular subject, yes, I think it's a definite plus if the subject has logic and scientific truth behind it. Don't you?


i see nothing wrong with that you sound like a good person too who would rather believe in a just God then a series of power struggles and unacceptance, i still believe strongly in my catholic backround but i fully understand where you come from. i think as long as your loving God he'll love you back


Think about this (if you want; I'm still not trying to necessarily teach you anything): we're only special to ourselves; it's our own perception of what is "special" and what isn't that makes us believe that. We've never seen any other forms of intelligent life; for all we know, there is something out there that makes us look like cold leftovers. Yes, we are sophisticated when compared to lower animals, but we CHOOSE to call ourselves "special" or "amazing" or whatever. And death is death.


@drumrnva You've missed the point, Christian values isn't just abiding some rules that seemingly make you a good person even though no one can keep them perfectly. Christian values is about being in a relationship with God which also means acknowledging that you cannot be a good person on your own - so that your imperfections are covered by Christ, becoming a better person is just a side result ( though still important). There is only one road to God, yes that's exclusive but so is truth.


Yes, and the sooner we accept the IDEAS, and discard the GODS, the better off we'll all be.


No, I meant what I wrote; I believe that you and I and everyone across the planet will be better off the day we learn that these antiquated fables have no place in our governments or even in our private lives. Let me ask you this: assuming that we all have to follow your jesus' supposed command to not be tolerant of "ungodliness", what should we do with those of us who do not believe and conduct their lives accordingly? I'm not talking about the "afterlife"; what should WE do now?


@CettoTheCesco From the start I've said Christians don't have a special claim to higher values. There's plenty in the Bible that's worth repeating, & plenty that's best left in the past. I asked a simple question about Jesus' endorsement of old Jewish law and whether you share it. I also assert that there are no good reasons to believe that natural laws have ever been defied. Is death the just punishment for working on the sabbath or being gay?


@CettoTheCesco P.S. of course you don't have to "play by my rules". :) But if you want to convince some folks that supernatural forces exist, you're going to need to come up with something better than "it is written". If the new testament meets your standard of truth, how do you feel about Matthew 5:17&18? If what Jesus says there is also true, do you think that old testament laws are just?


PLEASE explain how someone can be sent to everlasting torture "where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched" in the lake of fire where there will be "weaping an gnashing of teeth" if they can't believe for some reason.
Another is told, "Well done thou good and faithful servent. Enter into the joy of the Lord" and he acts like Jerry Falwell, and slanders others. Is this Love?
Can someone explain this to me - like I'm a 4 year old?


Just check it out. I believe it was very well documented and they did in depth research. Put your predispositions to the side, and consider the evidence. We can verify all that was said in this video. And i appreciate it. Most atheists I encounter always result to slander and cursing when they run out of valid arguments : )


@drumrnva Woops sorry i meant biography, lol that was my bad i didn't realise i wrote that. What about other miraculous claims or miraculous in today's time? what about them? I'm not sure, if there is no naturalistic explanations then yeah sure i don't see why not. Not all miracles or text are done/inspired by God. Just because there are others doesn't mean there isn't an authentic one. How do we figure out which one is authentic? Find out which one makes sense, the message is more important.


@CettoTheCesco Argument: Christians clearly don't have exclusive access to values, since many non-Christians have arguably done good/avoided harm for others. I'll try not to bombard with questions. You've said that what is written in the bible is exclusive, reliable and has a greater claim to truth than any other text. How do you know this?
