I read The Slob and I can no longer experience joy (extreme horror reading vlog)

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I read The Slob and I can no longer experience joy (extreme horror reading vlog)

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When i worked at a bookstore i had a sweet little elderly lady come in looking for this book. I was a bit intimidated


I love the part where The Slob says "It's Slobbin' Time" and made the book sell 2 slobillion copies


I'd love to make a request that you do slightly spoiler heavy summary at some point in the vlog (maybe put time stamps so people can skip). I honestly can't actually endure these extreme horror books but my morbid curiosity does push me to want to know the barest details of the depravity. A lot of your analysis is a little lost on me just for not having as much of the plot.


I like this format and would love spoilers because I’m not reading it! I can’t handle reading extreme horror but do ok with someone telling me about it.


I would love the reaction throughout the read, with deeper analysis during key parts of the book (like, "Okay, this just hit me - we need to talk about this!"), and maybe more at the end.


Sometimes, i miss life with no kids. "O, it's only 3:30 in the morning? I have time to read." Those were the days.


The end of this book was glorious for me. It's not common that the women who are tortured in extreme horror and splatterpunk books get a revenge plot, and Vera is a STRONG woman. I think the most hard hitting point for me is that Beauregard specifically gets you attached to this couple before he ruins their future. I have read the second book and its mostly about the Son and not Vera but it does show their marriage struggles after everything that's happened. It's written really well and is still good but but The Slob is the better one. I also feel the way he added the other stuff to the story at the end was to leave an opening for future books related to that bit.


I read an older novel once called "Slob" by a different author, about an obese serial killer on the loose and an obsessed detective tracking him down. It was really very good. I like cop vs. serial killer stories.


I like the deep analysis because I don’t wanna read this stuff but it’s fun to hear about the plot synopsis and imagine you suffering though it lol


Just found out about this genre of horror literature. It kinda reminds me of Brutal/Slamming Death Metal but in a book format. Will definitely ask my local occult/horror/sci-fi book store about this kind of stuff the next time I stop by.


I really like the deep dive format. Maybe you could have a 'spoiler talk' section at the end of your video that is clearly signposted?


Some critics: Some horror books are gross for gross' sake, they are worthless.

Same critics: Art should be made for art's sake, otherwise it's propaganda.

Even if a books is gross and has no other meaning but to disgust the reader, it should not be seen with contempt but as a worthy pursuit. A work of art only need to want to exist for it to justify its existence. "Why did you write that disgusting novel?" "Because I wanted to".


Playground was my intro to extreme horror and I have The Slob on my Kindle list. You dropkicking the book midway has encouraged me to read that next, thanks for the review 😂


The in-depth one book reading vlogs are great and would love to see them continue! Especially for books that you suspect will need a deeper dive and more thorough discussion. The multiple book vlogs should continue however because I like how you rank them at the end, it helps me to decide what to put on my TBR.


I definitely prefer your analysis as opposed to your reactions. Reactions don’t really tell us anything, and as a literature fan it’s always more interesting to provide to or experience the feedback of others. I’ve loved your extreme horror reviews and definitely want to see more of them, but your insights and critiques are always more exciting than your reactions.


Yay, beautiful show! The amount of times I drop books is absurd. Quote of the day. Everyday. Haha. Yah, a book at a time is better than 5 books shallowly described. Thanks, Creep.


Blood Meridian for sure deserves one of these!


when it comes to extreme horror, i love the more analytical side of things


Read The Slob earlier this year, loved it. Just got done reading The Cuck too, also worth checking out.


omg. I'm a HUGE book nerd so much to the point where I don't even like to throw away any books I don't need anymore so I just donate them to the library everytime. so seeing you kick that book gave me a small shock lol
