Λίτσα Σακελλαρίου - Τα Βήματα

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Λίτσα Σακελλαρίου (Litsa Sakellariou), recorded four albums on the MINOS label. The most famous LP in which she participated was entitled "Twelve Nights" with music and lyrics by George Georgiadis and Petros Zervas. Within this album, she stood out with her song "Τα Βήματα" (the steps, as for stairways). Her performance of the song appears also in the film "Sunday's dream" (1970). this recording song was heard initially in 1969 while the copy which is featured below was printed on a 2 sided single on 1973. The most special thing about this song is the combination between new-wave and Latin influences with Litsa's unique tone. Enjoy & subscribe!
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